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Oct 2015
You broke my heart and it never healed.
I still feel the pain after all these years.
It's dying from the sorrow
It's gone blind from the darkness it stays under
I cry at the sound of your name
The thought of your face
I can't keep myself up I fall apart just like that
I wish I could have all of you back
All of us
And what we had.
I still reminisce about when you held me
When I held you
When we held each other.
You didn't let me go
I just wanted you close
That's how we went to sleep and that's how we awoke.
My eyes opened
Your arms around  me
The sound of your voice talking about your dream
The dream that made you so upset
I just listened to every word you said.
I can never forget .
When you Gave up so easy I heard the gun go BOOM.
Bullet shot me dead in the center through and through.

I want to cry for you but then I remember
You only wanted me from august till September
I wanted you for as long as I could breathe
I fell in love with you but your heart it just runs free.
I wish I knew how to make you love me.
But if being without me makes you happy,
My heart will continue to die till I do.
And if you ever should come back to me
We would be revived and still belong to you.
The one that walked away.
K Alexys
Written by
K Alexys
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