petrol souls drift the skin & aetherous of our holy mother lake midday. by alpine, lymph node, spine of glimmering fish; i never truly thought that love could destroy.
[to display the paradise boon and boom salute.]
her knife atop the stump.
yon machines construct art-form of reservoir (yon being short for yonder), knee-boarder-boy wake to wake, he wags his tail when he dreams.
tribal the beach: a family drunk on juiceboxes. rolling rocks. tall boys & boulders/ bountiful canyon kids with their beautiful gasping dogs. ****** knee **** and gallop at the foot of a mountain/mound & sugar ants stomped, longing to empire.
mom bunches her fists into sand of stolen crag, listening closely for her childhood in the whistle of a casio conch. margaritaville will do.
[to **** or kiss beetles.]
kiss; the bitty prince. maintain a steady alliance with all lifeforms and flora. life is programmed as thus; algorithm of love.
bright honeydew soaked slabs of wood, or plank, tabletop treatise. wet pile of seeds.
young small birds hoard seeds for winter; teeter into spring; & upon summer find solace in swift slip-n-slide daylights.