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Jul 2015
It started out as any other day, none could ever know
the lesson I would soon receive, or where it would flow
a day fishing in a nearby pond, with my rod to throw
not long thereafter, I was staring at a fish now in tow

As I reeled it in, this fish was so small and docile
I failed to consider my actions, it was just so fragile
pulling it out of the water, flying smack into a nearby wall it went
my catch was now dying, my conscience feeling a little torment

Carefully taking it off my hook, I threw it back in the water
feeling guilty, as if having just committed a major slaughter
I was seriously focused on this dying fish, asking myself why me
only soon to realize this was a lesson, perhaps a heavenly decree

Taking its last breath in the water, the fish then began to flow beyond
slowly heading toward the wall, where water was spilling out of this pond
coming to the edge of the pond, a small wave threw this fish over the wall
watching what was going on intently, down the wall it did now fall

One peek over that wall, and I could now clearly see
a whole bunch of large branches near this one big tree
amazingly this one long branch seemed to begin moving
And as I saw this snake advance, my perception was improving

Spellbound, watching this snake attack, his mouth opened wide
before me it devoured its food, knowing now why this fish had died
although accursed this snake may be, His creature G-d would not forsake
unknown until now, with my actions fulfilling His will, did I now partake

"G-d opens His hand and satisfies the needs of each and every creature"
my prayer every day, declaring G-d's abundant kindness His known feature
no accidents exist in this world, plan and purpose are really visible to all
let us first incline our hearts to look, and we too may hear this heavenly call
There Are No Accidents in G-d's World!
This is a true story, set out in poetic rhyme. It is a lesson worthy of sharing. How our actions are sometimes guided for the better. Although at first glance, this cannot always be readily perceived.
Joshua Adam
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