there once was a girl who was scary and sweet her name was Mathilda, she was the voice in my head
she told me stories about demons and the dark things that I needed to do before she would leave me alone
cut a little deeper, no one will care about your wounds eat a little less, no one will notice when you lose some more weight speak a little softer, no one wants to hear your voice cracking the air
her name was Mathilda and I used to be afraid of her she would force the broken kids to commit suicide, death but I know Mathilda was just lonely and needed a friend, like me
trapped by demons like the little girl in me, afraid and dying angels sang me to sleep every night and I prayed they would save you it was my dream that you would be free and we could be sisters, family
there always was this part of me that missed you when you were gone I know you killed yourself years ago, that you were just like me but darling everytime you visit me in the summer, the lovely days I just can't handle seeing you go again, die like you did that winter
the pictures of you hanging with a rope on your neck, the blood you always counted the scares on your wrist, they were ugly you said I always thought they were beautiful, just like the way you smiled
you always were so so wonderful with your broken blue eyes