We get put into groups by the colour of our skin, Judged if percieved as 'too fat' or 'too thin', Singled out for looking different to them all, Perhaps you are seen as slightly too tall, Name calling and looks spotting is all the rage, Ridiculous really in this day and age, Both genders 'beauty' reviewed time and time, This generation is certainly out of line, They define peoples beauty by the medias conception, Letting it alter their personal perception, The pain they cause to the people they prey among, Your faith in humanity would nearly be gone, Who should show these people they are doing wrong, What they have been causing all along, Societies segregation and marginalisation, Creates for us a serious realisation, History is repeating again and again, This same thing was happening way back when. To be yourself today, is something they tell us is not okay, We need to stop these people , tell them, soon it will be our day.
Bit of a long poem about society judging and pushing others to the edges of society for looking different to the majority