I wanted to tell you for quite some time not everything had been fine it’s been awhile since we last spoke when you read this i really hope you don’t choke
it’s been like this for years always full to the brink with tears
how would i have ever been able to tell you every month i get chills when i come home and see the pile of unpaid bills
always wondering if there would be enough to eat when there was never any money, i couldn’t sleep
how would i have ever been able to tell you whenever i was with you i felt safe somehow you were able to open the gate (that is me) when nobody else had bothered to look for the key
how would i have ever been able to tell you that i’ve been really sick my mind had been playing tricks i tell myself i’m ugly and fat i already know you would have said “please don’t believe that”
how would i have ever been able to tell you when my brother would get angry he would punch me i typically would lunge (on the floor to avoid it)
how would i have ever been able to tell you my mother tells me i am unwanted when i try to get help i get taunted always wondering if would get a proposition to get out of this position
but tonight i’ve had enough of teachers telling me “you are dumb” i’m sick and tired of walking around like and idiot and i know i’m about to do something hideous
and if you were still there, you could have shown me that you cared but i’ve really had my fair share (of this world) *goodbye