he’s beautiful just sitting there waiting for the train to come by and hit him.Goodbye he’ll sing. he’s beautiful even though he has a blade waiting for him underneath his mattress. He’s beautiful even though he drowns his thoughts away with that little white and blue pill that just drags his rag doll body up into the white until he slowly painfully sinks back down again.
he’s beautiful even when he’s crying tears of blood! I’ll always think he’s beautiful. he’s perfect like a canvas of colors that fit perfectly together. I love him and always will he’s the only one that I give a chance to throw my love away he’s the only one that I trust enough to carry me away He’s the only one that holds me in a daze I love him but,I can't have him she has him that lucky *** girl but,she doesn't know how lucky she is she cheats and then goes and tells him that she loves him and always will, but in reality i'm the only one that means that she is destroying my love he’s going to die I need to save him but...I cant its impossible I can't fly high enough to reach him he’s in the white I'm not happy enough to do that for him, I have to he’s my love I can't just give up he never did I cant I see that they’ve broke up I saved him but he doesn't love me anymore he’s after another girl.