Sometimes when the shadow falls and everyone else’s on their beds I turn to look at this beer of bottle staring at me And I say, **** it! When will you speak? So then we’d stare at each other and I’d swear still it wouldn’t speak By the time the silence grew and I couldn’t take it any longer my temper takes on me the beer starts to scare So I grabbed and lift it and poured it empty on my throat. Might as well drink it if it wouldn’t speak. I start to laugh because it’s funny when you think you’re alone. Then I take another beer and put in the table and I speak to it again. Chug. The lights are on and dimmed. I do the same rituals and after some time You wouldn’t believe it, the beer speaks loudly in my chest. It stirs and revolts in my mouth. I knew it was pretending. I knew it could speak. Now it’s begging to be released. The beast inside is finally pleased. It’s funny It’s funny how other people didn’t know. Now all that couldn’t be spoken Can now be said **** it could speak through the air. So now you know how to speak to the beer You **** it. You grab it in the neck. Make a pet out of it and let it give you the entertainment Otherwise, you’ll do it wrong.