you have a voice inside your head "you are worthless" it has said you have a life but sleep instead all is black and blue and red you have a life your daily bread and yet you wish that you were dead
he/she has left you they won't atone it has cut you to the bone you sit by your telephone a prince, you sit a pauper's throne death bewitches the sighs make moans you listen to the laughing crone your grave is piled up with stones
now you truly are alone
you are young with angst to spare parents/ teachers in your hair your bedroom becomes your lair no peers or siblings haunt you there all alone... it isn't fair the sharp edges **** you you're aware but they lure due to despair
but you are not beyond repair!
i just want for you to know your Creator loves you so my poem's not a circus show i have lived through some trials, woe He's helped me when I was low
He made you... *so don't let go!
If ANYONE is feeling like they just can't go on, call a professional Pick up that 10 ton phone! You can talk to me via the site message system