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May 2015
My mouth is guided to a pasture of white roses
The momentum of the unseen builds like a sparkling night

The dark shadows unhinge me as the stone wall stacks like bricks
The vines wrap around its crevices and webs into spontaneous paths
My mouth guides to the light as my eyes roll back

I decide to stick my arms to my chest and feel the light of dust roll onto my arms
Push, Push, Pull
I drink the light as my body is closer to full exposure of it's power
The tingling of teasing is so close
My heave to reach to the top of the rose garden is extraordinary
I push and pull with every arm, but every time my mind is more excited I become weaker
My mind is foggy
The roses are now blooming into red, and the night is changing into day and the lure of the mysterious is straying it's luster
As my weak body touches the top of the Stone Wall I split my legs into two and dangle my legs with the faintness of falling between the stone wall.  

The moment my mind feels the light on my nose I fall back
I fall back into a dark black ground
My body rolls around in the ground as I find more ways to feel more sorry for myself

I am depressed with rage and sorrow

The light thickens into blackness and the roses begin turn into a darker more deep blood red.
I see my hands pick up the blood from my lips as they drip red, blue, black, and purple
I see my eyes as they puff up into black and my skin peels back into so many layers of rough edges

I wanted to be seen! Oh how I wanted to see the light of day! I wanted to feel the skin on my cheek.... I wanted to be seen in the light for what I am.

The stone wall held me back

The wall covered in roses took away my skin and gave me a different pair of eyes.

So I am looking at myself in the black water shielded by the sun, who is this body? What do these eyes want you to see?

They want you to hear the unheard and see what you can not.
This poem is about the pressure that society gives on us all. The wall represents the barrier between who you are and not. Society makes us feel very very small and very disposable. Especially girls. I want to feel empowered, but if my walk is surrounded by a stone wall I will be so conscious about my face, body, shape I will not be able to see myself in the light. Thank you for reading. I would love to hear what you think and if you would like me to read some of your poetry just tell me your username. Thank you and have a sunny year!
Leila Valencia
Written by
Leila Valencia
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