Could you find your own identity And stop trying to be me I am sick and tired of trying to Swallow back my words In order to avoid me being a part of The herds Others who Who all look the same.
Could you please find you own identity I am sick of you trying to be me Sick of you mimicking me Sick of you trying to do All that I do And passing it off as your own.
Where has uniqueness gone? And why do you Regard me with scorn As if you are the one who Hadn't succumb to Stealing another's identity Oh would you please stop trying to be me?
Be you Do you Do not compare yourself to me Can't you see That you are beautiful In your own unique way?
Listen to me And listen to me well It would be a cold day in hell That I would allow anyone On anything Take away my own originality And you as sure as the sun shines Can never have the talent or personality That is mine.
You can never be me. Can't you see that it can never work? Why don't you put more effort Into finding yourself Instead of trying into cash in on The wealth I have found in myself Because the same riches lie inside of you Could you please please please Stop trying to be me