She fears that he is broken. What he did to her did not break them. What he did only cut her; deeply, scarring, stinging for years afterward but not forever. He is afraid he will be alone, but he doesn’t know, that people who burn inside, people with scars that no one can see, are loved by those, who are meant to love them. He has lost the hope that people are waiting to love him as desperately as he is waiting to be loved. But they are.
They will not think, that he needs to be fixed, or that what he goes through, is too much for them to handle. They will never see him as too weird, or a burden to love. They will only see his smart, talented, quirky, beautiful self. They will not see any other him that he is afraid of being. They will love him. he will be loved. He is lovable. I know because I love him.