Someday, someone's going to break your heart The way you did with mine Then finally, finally You'd know how it feels like to be broken,
The kind of broken that's going to have you Physically force yourself out of bed every morning Just so you can make it to school on time.
The kind of broken where you can't stand Listening to the endless loops of Love songs playing on the radio.
The kind of broken that leaves you In a daze at random moments during the day That people have to snap their fingers In front of your face just to get your attention.
The kind of broken where you physically Feel your heart hurt even though It's the hypothalamus, which is in the brain that gives the feeling of love.
Someday you're going to have a taste of your own medicine. That's when you'll finally understand The anguish and agony you've brought to me. That's when you'll understand How everybody gets their great heartbreak. That's when you'll see, I wasn't over reacting. That's when you'll feel, What it's like to have your heart broken To the point that you think You're incapable of falling in love again.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this poem . I hope you guys can relate to the raw emotion I felt while writing this poem. Please like and leave a comment telling me what you think. It'd be pretty rad too if you guys got this poem trending like the other ones. Follow me and leave a message, my inbox is always ready for friendship.