He told me he didn't want to fall in love with someone 423 miles away "That's a whole lot of foot steps" he said I can't say that I didn't feel the same way But I couldn't help look up at the moon and pray he was looking up too I wished for him on every shooting star I ever saw And I watched all the sunsets thinking about his hopes and dreams "But the truth is I really do love you a lot" he said The truth is I really did love him with all my heart too Not a day goes by that I don't think about being with him I never believed in soul mates, I always believed a person could love many people And I still think that's true But never in the same way you love that one person, the person you're meant to be with That person in the world that in some way, somehow, finds you That person was him And maybe some day we'll end up together; but that day is not today, and it's not tomorrow But one thing I know for sure is that I'll always love him Just like I did from the start All those footsteps away