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Apr 2015
There's a hole.
What seems like a minuscule hole in my suit jacket.
Right at the seam, where it overlaps with my jeans.
It's there because of the idiocy,
the complacancy,
the moronicy,
of a girl I used to be.
The girl everyone wanted me to be.
As she ran away from life,
because the man I was meant to be told her she was a freak.
Now when it first appeared, I thought it was a gaping chasm.
One that could never be filled.
But I fixed it, as I came to terms with being her, and he.

There's a hole.
What seemed like a minuscule hole in my heart.
Right in the center, where it puts love into the rest of me.
It's there because of the carelessness,
the idle hands,
the love struck glances,
of the girl I thought she would be to me.
As she played with my heart because I was too weak to see otherwise.
Now, when it first appeared, I thought it to be a gaping chasm.
One that could never be filled.
But I fixed it, as I came to terms with her being her and me being me.

There was a hole.
What seemed like a minuscule hole in my life.
Taking over my world, absorbing all light making me terribly unhappy.
It was there because depression was a beast,
a monster, a thief.
Stealing every bit of smile I had left in me.
But only because I didn't know I had another option.
Now, when it first appeared, I thought it to be a gaping chasm.
One that could never be filled.
But I fixed it, as You walked through the door and into my arms.
First of all, yes I suppose this is a bit of a "coming out" poem. I'm gender fluid, so that's the first stanza.
The second is about a girl I spent too long pining after, and the third is about the girl who showed me I didn't need her.
Michael DanielThane
Written by
Michael DanielThane  West Chester
(West Chester)   
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