Everyone who Is reading this I would like For you To do those Who suffer From depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc disorders or illness's that can't mentally an physically be cured quick, a favor.
Hold your breath for 1 minute and 30 seconds after I say go. Also after I say go, I would like for you to finish reading this. Ready? Set... GO.
β‘Right now you are holding your breath .
right now those who suffer from disease, disorder, or illness are going through life not
The world can be.
air is
going to represent those kids and people who have that.
Some People Think It Is
Easy To Get Over Something
But for example, depressed People Think It Isn't so Easy To Breath.
Things Go Wrong
Tells Them
They Are
Are Told
Don't Know What pain
But guess what..
That is Where On Some Debates
Every gasp of air you Try To breath It hurts you and your Chest gets tighter and tighter
Till you just want to explode. So you probably
take a huge gulp of fresh nice air to make you feel better.
Well, taking in that air is like someone committing suicide Because
they have taken in too much but they just can't let go.
That is...
Until they do let go when they "take in the breath of air."
Just like you have right about now or so.
if your time isn't up keep holding in the air do not exhale until your time is up. Life for them is harder than you can imagine same with any other disorder or illness you can't physically cure and make it go away forever So before you go off telling people to "get over it "or "let it go.." or "get over yourself"..., just remember how hard it could be for them. They don't purposely make things ... memories stay in their minds.
For example, Depression is a real illness. Some see it as a joke or fib but you can find depression in the brain that can effect your everyday life such as your coping skills or how you react about and around to what people say or think about you.
And sometimes
It can even drive a person so crazy that they are told not by others.. but by themselves to let go because they mean nothing to themselves and feel they can't be fixed.
You have to be careful with people. Especially the ones you love because some may be hiding secrets such as this .. and it can really hurt you or themselves if no one is careful. .. You will never understand what others go through because everyone is different.
But I think this was a good example and if not and you could hold your breath that long, Double it and read this twice.