I waited hoping for what most girls would expect I wanted your hand extended or maybe the smile I love so much But you kept up the façade I've been trying to tear down you kept your head in your little game you strode past eyes never touching me you shrunk me making me a part of your wall I don't know why you belittle me with absence of words or gestures But I'm just about done taking it because I've started to feel like I deserve this And I don't need guilt added to the pile
It will hurt to let you go as my hands have grown around you but like a doorknob that's heating up it will hurt more if I hold on and since you'll never open up and let me in soon- I'm going to walk away and leave you on the other side with no one to torment I'll be gone and when another innocent girl starts walking towards your door I'll be there to warn her of the dangers you pose and the tools you posses to hurt her