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Jan 2015
Your lull of silence and solace
Charming, fearful and young
Laying me.
Scared, still and tolerant
To sleep
I say fearful as it is due to your passion
I say charming as there is no better
And I say I am scared only out of my ignorance
For I had always doubted and feared your love
Until I was ambushed, in shelter
Under peerless stars as witness
You found me in hiding It was then that I broke
The madness turned me pale
Making me realize that you were the only one for me
And so I say with hope
That you will listen without doubt
“Je m’abandonne à toi, mon amant fou.
Alors aimons-nous maintenant comme jamais auparavant.”
And you with but a smile fall on to me
Burning me down with a love of your beauty
It was then I realized
I should have given in earlier
To this sublime horror that is you, my lover.
The French translates to: “I surrender to you so let us now make love like never before.”
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