I protect you from bear traps It seems like you've pushed me into a few. But I've gotten better and I've forgiven you. But you still get injured from tripping over twigs. I've taken the blame because its what I'm use to. Why won't you grow up and take care of yourself. You stumble and fall too easily.
You have so many opportunities but you act like you have none. I try I really do to point them out. But all you want to do is be a toddler and play and wait for everything to come to you.
like it has all your life.
I'm starting to realize something. I'm losing hope in you. I see no reason why I am still helping you. You're not even trying! Be a freaking man! YOU have two feet YOU have two hands Take some responsibility and stop thinking everyone will forgive you when you ***** up The world isn't out to get you but it definitely leave you behind if you let it.
You're gonna fall a lot, but I don't feel like sticking around to help you heal after tripping over air. I've been around for it too many times. I don't even see anything in it for me anymore. I have too many wounds to take care of on my own anyways.
Come to me when you've finally felt the gut wrenching pains from the bear traps and be able to get through it on your own.
But I know you won't. You will just keep tripping over twigs and blaming the world for your cuts.