Surrounded by water, I hold my breath. Purposefully I sink to the bottom of this place. My body is still, and my arms crossed like an X over my chest.
I open my eyes and see the blurry light hitting the surface. Still, I hold my breath. Every brush of water feels like ribbons against my skin. But I need to come up.
I gasp for air as I breach the surface. I walk out of the water as if I were alike royalty, coming up to my throne. Every speck of air feels like a calming winter mist against my skin. I stare ahead to the trees.
As I walk through the tall trees, Barefoot to feel the earth in between my toes, I feel a sense of welcome and acceptance. Though they tower over me, you’ve taught them tolerance for my kind.
The dirt I walk upon embraces my feet’s rough exterior. I stand tall and elongated, rooting myself into the forest ground. I am rooted, and grow to love you. Amongst your other children of beauty, you have received me. And, I need you. Everyday.