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 Dec 2014 Abigail Sherry
~The reason I am scared to love you,
Is because I'm really scared if you'll leave.
And that's my worst fear of all.
I use to love you with all of my heart,
You controlled my thoughts.
Now, if you leave ever again,
you'll destroy me.
I'm sorry, I still love you so much.
I really do. I'd give anything to be yours again.
He says to me,

You make it really difficult to talk to you.

All I can respond with is,

*I know.
Many things yet to be discovered
But for now it stay hidden
Like the love a boy has for a girl
Few people know
Deep inside the mysteries lay
Waiting to be awakened
Rustling about creating volcanic eruptions
Or stirring up oceans causing hurricanes
Keeping still and out of sight
Many more years that might go by
And they wait
Robots, Cyborgs, Cross species
The future explodes with wonders
But for now we focus on the present
It will soon be the past
Soon forgotten
In the drift of modern mysteries
Like the boys' heart never at rest
Love is located at the center of your heart
Beating hard and fast to be hit by a dart
It spreads its blood faster to the body
It explains why his cheeks turn rosy
The nervousness spreads around deep inside
He hears the voices of love which is why he runs and hide
Love tells him not to be scared
Over time his love gets demolished and fared
People always told him that love is life
Now he sees that love can cut him like a knife
From his past he can stop and see
That love isn't all what it cuts out to be
It tells him to tell her
At the same time trying to deter
He walks toward her then takes a detour
Still attracted like positive to a negative core
From behind his conscience eggs him on
Now deep inside is his influence song
A safe house is what he tries to find
Because in his eyes love is not kind
The light that radiates from in his chest
Looking around this glow of his exceeds the rest
People have told him that love is just a game
Waiting to be played so it calls your name
He turns his head away from the feeling
At this time his heart needs feeling
Always taught love took you though carnage
Deep inside he is filled with damage
Now he knows love is cruel
The light that could have been lived
Is now dead deep inside itself killed
But the feeling will be back
And attack him like a heart attack
Until that day
He must be prepared any way possible
We all have had that moment
Time stands still
You staring at someone
Your body heats up
You feel your blood boil
Not from heat
But from love

We all have had that moment
We don't remember what we did
Our hearts take over our bodies
Artists hands throw paint
Poets create poems
And we have a creation

We all have had that moment
When we think
Yet do not know
But we wish to know
So we try to find it
And when we do we are lost

We all have had that moment
We follow our instincts
Try to show off
Get their hearts to go wild as well

We all have ad that moment
Wen we think we found the the one
Then we know they are he one
And we thank our instincts
For they brought us our perfect matches
And they thank theirs
For the same reason
Allow me to open your eyes
By opening you up
Do things your way
Then you can see
It forms your own way
Like if you taste with your hands
Just think how ever it feels that's how it tastes
Allow your mind to take over
Talk to yourself about what you want
Let's see how open you get
And how the world looks to you
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