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isabella Jul 2015
i remember a summers day
kissed by dusk till dawn
you stood in the shadows
and danced like moonlight
and it seemed so surreal
vanishing like thin air
i was so scared to say your name
into the very smoke
you bled into

autumn leaves calling like thieves
and i fell so deep into something
i couldn't break into
you stuck like glue to the nights
and i felt I wasn't alone
making mix CDs and coffee runs
breathing fast into my lungs
or so i imagined

spring after next I sprung into
never really thought a heart could break in two
but it did in threes
in infinity
all sprinkled on the floor
colored like a symphony
ringing out your name
signed under an art piece
"dedicated to you"

summer has found me again
so dark against the sun
so cold under my feet
im melting
i wouldn't change history if i could
ive never been so at home
but im feeling restless in the sun
and im a nomad on the run
if you really don't love me too
im so emo rn pls excuse this poser prose
isabella May 2015
light seeps into your room
winding up your curtains
ever so slighty
to peak through
now look at you shining
standing there
with an air of dignity
what's it like to bloom?

how do I tell you i love you?
complete my sentances
hop on a train to somewhere
far away
look to the sky
see my curves in the clouds
the wind blowing my hair
when you smell the mountain air
call me when you get back
let me know
how ive changed
from so long ago

i didn't know you at seventeen
but I wasn't so squeaky clean
tell me you adore me
tell me how you've never wanted anything
don't make this a scene
we're not funny this way
i just want to a be a person
i just you want to stay
isabella May 2015
decorate the curtains
hung above your head
shade over the shades
you're miserable
that's life

cry me a river
i'm afraid to swim in
the currents are current
and pop culture's a fade in
into a movie you never thought you'd like

simplicity's a guilty pleasure
and so is the truth
woven with extremities
and kisses and flight

tell me you love me
say it ain't so
we spoke of this album so long ago
probably don't remember

but you'd still feel at home
sometimes i feel sarcastic sometimes I'm hopeful sometimes it's both
isabella May 2015
hello again
you're an old friend, aren't you?
one i never got to tell "i love you"
one who'd never say "i love you too"
but life's a funny thing
and you've come back to me
in a way
but you're not the same
and neither am i
when we slept in a room of
right place, wrong tine
i said i'd call when the feelings right
i gave it some time, i gave it some time
we're gearing up for the big time
i'll see you tomorrow night
isabella Mar 2015
explosions in the sky
fireworks booming
between my eyes
id rather watch myself die
than kiss you goodbye
i want to watch you sleep
next to me
wake up in the morning
between your sheets
ive pictured it enough
as if i lived it
so if i don't
will I miss it?
and I miss you
telling me im genius
do you mean it?
i know you do but
i wish you'd breathe it into me
as you kiss me
to sleep
isabella Mar 2015
we wrote so much history
in a year and a half
and i figured out our mysteries
were simple math
that time would tell
if we just multiplied by
all that could last
but these things are tricky
and i took it for granted
and im afraid you'll forget me
forgotten me
because you can't miss what you forget
i thought i played you that track
maybe you didn't listen
but every time i feared you wouldn't give me an answer
you rewrote the question
so maybe we're better than this
maybe you'll keep your promises
maybe ill get my wishes
im feeling emotional and lame so this is emotional and lame thx
isabella Mar 2015
i am so young

i am

again and again

playing that same anthem

again and again

where have the years gone?

i used to be free

from the truths of freedom

from reality

i scold myself

more than my father

disappoint myself

just like my mother

drown myself

without any grace

and wash up on the coast

without my face
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