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Paul Butters Oct 2014
How dare you treat me like this?
You must be taking the ****.
Have you no respect to pay?
Will you just send me
On my way?

The problem’s Yours my friend.
With you I can’t contend.
You are just me, me, me.
You’ve left me totally free.

I’m better off alone,
With no-one in my zone.

You’re such a bigot and a snob
And nothing but a ****
Who fobs me off
With drivel
From your gob.

Your haughty arrogance makes me mad
As you are nothing but a cad.
Okay so you have all the power,
And over me you sure do tower.
But don’t be thinking that I’ll cower:
I glower waiting for my hour,
For my dog’s day
When You I shall devour!

Paul Butters
Better not say who I had in mind.
Loss lingers in the souls of the living
Sorrow's travails endless and unceasing
The sad anguished heart needing easement
From the pain that is so unkind of feel  
Time's hand of comforting shall start to heal
Our beloved quickly taken away
In our worlds they leave the dimmest of ray
Their existence lies in our bereavement
Yet they'd wish for us to not keep stinging  
So we'll recover from our suffering
Cherished memories of them shall stay
As we look to the heavens up above
They'll be smiling down upon us with love
Though our hearts will be adrift in the grey
  Sep 2014 Paul Butters
Pins in a haystack
Needles in the cushion
A knack knick whack-a-patty
Push n tha' tooshin

Waggle wiggle bumpin thump
hungry hippos roast a ****
Candy apple, hide-n-seek
Count to ten, you best not peek

Wormy wiggle, rigga ma roll
rat-rug boat-tug sac-de-Cul
Almost done, have words with fun
Yup giddy yup giddy, "Run Forrest Run!!!"
Joe Cole Challenge
Having Fun with Words!
night hours close in at a fast rate
the streaming sunlight doth vanish
darkness falls in blackest of pate

sparkling stars flicker in bright spate
crowning jewels of exquisite finish
night hours close in at a fast rate

glories of splendor behold the eye and elate
as they stud the night charcoal's tarnish
darkness falls in blackest of pate

such is the grandeur of the darkened grate
having a dazzling trove with which to embellish
night hours close in at a fast rate

in awe of these gems flashy of sate
we're absorbed by their smashing varnish
darkness falls in blackest of pate

as the cycle of day to night doth rotate
its transitional tones do verily astonish
night hours close in at a fast rate
darkness falls in blackest of pate
  Sep 2014 Paul Butters
mark john junor
her critical thinking gone astray
her tupperware mind seals in the flavor of her intents
nail polish chipped
no ring to show the lay of the land
bright eyed with hints of joys
sunglasses askew
lipstick on her neck
this casual girl
in one brief moment our worlds collide
parking lot of seven eleven
she is a complex song not to be heard
but to be felt with the heart
this casual girl
she unbuttons her shirt
and shows her new tattoo
woven pattern of snakes and flowers
reflection of the mind perhaps
reflection of the casual girl and her inner tears
my heart grips this as she turns to leave
this casual girl
slave to her moment
she must go with the crowd
she must be a popular girl
in that brief moment our worlds collided
she spun like the summer sun free of her tears
she lived for my presence for the first and last time
she desired to speak to me
i never even knew
this casual girl
let's take a chance
on romance
we'll dance
to its lovely trance

our hearts melting together
in a sorts of weather
twill be a pleasant tether
waltzing lightly as a feather

forever to embrace
we'll make a sweet interlace
twirling to romance's grace
how divine this precious brace

love's accord ours to stay
as we glide in its array
spangling stars in our bay
oh how fine our tryst display

let's take a chance
on romance
we'll dance
to its lovely trance
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