Mind O Mind
The Mind is jobless
At times reckless
Always boundless
On a flight of thoughts
No looking back
Racing away
'The Heart'
has to pick up the pace
In slow whispers
'The Mind'
To hold on
Cool down
Now faster ,
losing its own breath
'The Heart'
beats faster
Oh please, 'Mind O Mind'
Hold on
Cool down Cool down....
'The Mind'
finally slows down
Cools down
Winks on
Now both at the same pace
'The Mind and The Heart'
In Tandem.
Phew ...
Posted-Deleted-Posted again
A little tiff between The Mind and The Heart
The Mind wants thoughts to be worded, the Heart trying to pacify it .
Wrote this in a busy and restless state of Mind .
Writing has helped me .