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NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
James Jarrett
I am a compulsive writer who will write about anything on any scrap of paper I can find
Roger Turner - Poet
Writer in Actually, just someone who started writing for fun and enjoyment. I now have one book in three languages, and colouring book form. ...
Dominic Simpson
Manchester    Erm . . . Most poets know the WH Auden piece, stop all the clocks . . . An overused poem, yet quite brilliant . ...
I am a lost soul.
Michael P Smith
Atlanta, Georgia    I'm a young talented chef and poet on the rise with dreams of inspiring & touching the world with my work & also publish my ...
Michael Christensen
PA, USA    Read my poems and you will be educated on the enigma that is I. Teacher, husband, father, cyclist, reader, writer, hiker, unemployed model......(not necessarily in ...
Benjamin King
“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they ...
Titles are unnecessary and whether it deserves to or not everything gets posted.
Micheal Wolf
On the edge of reason, UK    You Can't Polish a Turd so don't waste time trying! Male White to avoid confusion! Brain fitted as standard on this model but it plays ...
Mek and the Infinite Madness
Under my bed...    ...We learned to sing the songs of our forefathers and danced around the fire and dream of dreams we never had and managed to climb ...
Ben Jones
Leeds, UK    Hi, I'm Ben Jones. I am a poet/author based in Leeds UK and am in the process of tweaking my first book, Resident: Neville. I ...
Michael W Noland
Seattle    It is all true

— The End —