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2.4k · Feb 2015
A for Austerity
Palaver Feb 2015
A is for Austerity
To pay back the Bank
For the Collateral
On your defaulted Debt

That exploded Exponentially
Like the financial Fiasco
Of the Grecian Governments
Indebted to ******'s Homeland

Return to Investors
The rent on your Job
Capital is their Kingdom
The laborers are Landless
Misers enslaved to Misery

The N
Palaver Apr 2014
Capitalism is fair.
Though capitalists be well bred.
The poor can only care
That they should sometimes be fed.
The rent they pay to capital
Exceeds the nation's rate of growth.
People are mere collateral
When fortunes begin to bloat.
The masses may start to shout.
Though the rich intend to die out,
Inheritances  never croak.
Inequality learns to cope.
1.4k · Apr 2014
Dear Pen,
Palaver Apr 2014
Put down your sword,
Oh mighty pen.
Let me a word,
Ere you count to ten.
Do you ever speak
The knowledge I seek?
Please answer with zen.
1.0k · Feb 2015
Palaver Feb 2015
Isn't it nice to rhyme
When words strike as divine
Made to fit the part
Unlike free verse aristofarts
Who would **** your mother
Like beatnik Stepbrother
And sleep through their clocks
For nocturnal jabberwocks

If ever was a Good man.
Benny swung with the times, man.
But Jazz rolled from the hits
Of white British misfits.
When South Bronx fell through crack
The sky and hood went black
Poets sold missing car parts
For Busta Rhymes to bust a start.

Poetry had to lose an art.
Rhyming tossed like the ****
Who ****** Lord Tennyson's ****
Which tugged at Victoria's smock.
It's easy to criticize
An age demystified
But now personifies
Poetry commercialized

And the old aging misfit
Tries to gather the spit
With a mouth so dry.
But not a poet in the sky
Will sanction the crime
To help his verse opine
Against the words-of-a-kind
That English bespoke to rhyme.
852 · Feb 2015
Poor man's fool
Palaver Feb 2015
Oh, poor foolish man.
You led me astray.
You emptied my pan.
But the price is yours to pay.

You could've robbed the rich
You could've stole the earth
But you only took a pinch
Of a man as poor as dirt.

And I've learned a lesson
Less costly to a lord
You could've had a session
With a large and princely horde.

I have taken pity
From those who give sympathy
And share with me their charity
While regarding you in antipathy.
705 · Apr 2014
Palaver Apr 2014
Love of country!
Love of country!
If I had a dime
For every time
They brought out the wine
They'd sell me their piece
Of this country.
607 · Feb 2015
Growing grey
Palaver Feb 2015
Getting old is growing lonely
Passing on the foreboding trophy
Digging the hole for pushing daisies
Singing tunes for avoiding crazy
Stalking memories by retelling stories
Cheating time as reliving glory
Cursing change while swigging brandy
Scaring children wanting candy
Knowing all and seeing phonies
Growing grey is making you stoney
Casting you far
Dropping you coldly
549 · Feb 2015
China Lady
Palaver Feb 2015
China Lady, give me your time.
Else, refuse me with a smile.
China Lady, won't you be mine?
And walk a thousand miles
To the country in my head,
Where my heart was bled
That began these thousand miles.
When she and all were mine
Those promises sealed with smiles
And buried in capsules of time.

China Lady, give me those smiles.
Let the sorrows be mine
To walk those lonely miles.
China Lady, let me rest my head
In a ***** that never bled
For love that dragged a thousand miles.
Though the blood be mine.
And the tears be smiles
Like broken capsules of time.

China Lady, what is the time?
I haven't seen your smile.
470 · Feb 2015
Silent Pool
Palaver Feb 2015
We touch with an air of silence,
A feeling warm, but none too cool.
Our skin can feel the brilliance
Of wading through this reflecting pool.

In the night we'll build a fire
And hang our clothes to dry.
Then let our feelings perspire
And embrace the morning sky.
445 · Apr 2014
Everything ends in -ain
Palaver Apr 2014
In the engulfing tempest rain,
No honest question I would deign.
Why dampness left another stain
Upon the rust of heavy chains?
For my heart was already slain
Confronting indifference's reign
Alongside the petty and the vane.
For this love had already lain
With the ugly and the insane.
My passion had been drained,
With my back against the cane.
The injuries made me strain.
I hobbled just to remain.
Repetition had beat the same
Until the scars became plain:
You will never love again.
You cannot wash away the pain.
Palaver Apr 2014
In a cast of merry men,
Was a man who could not hold
His drink in the hours past ten
Or a sneeze against the winter's cold.

But in the morning he was bold.
He walked naked in the sun.
And if his fate could be told,
His life was nearer to done.

He'd leave behind a daughter and son.
But not the mother that loved them.
The sooner his race be won.
The sooner she be behind him,

To drag his hide back home
And warm him to the bone.
He lay like the pig in the sun.
352 · Apr 2014
Beau's Blue
Palaver Apr 2014
Margret, you are blue's favorite.
If I could paint your portrait,
I would render you more plain
To bring your art less worldly fame.
It would give critics fewer clues
Should they look for some girl I knew.
They'd compare it to every face
And not find your pretty trace.
But I would live over the way
And still draw you everyday.
Should my view be obstructed
I would not be distracted.
I'd still draw and think of you.
Until you became the girl I drew.
And I would forget the hue
Of a Margret I once knew...

— The End —