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 Jul 2016 Angel
 Jul 2016 Angel
I was programmed wrong;
my circuits are fried.

I can't process the world's lies...

No longer do I see color;
all I see is grey.

My world is no longer array...

The lines have blurred;
and I can't find my way.

It is hard to get through the day...

A lost echo;
reverberates through the air.

No one is aware...

They say they care;
but they are never there.

Lost causes never get their share...
 Jul 2016 Angel
Mohd Arshad
 Jul 2016 Angel
Mohd Arshad
People are happy
For they know the real taste of life is in being happy
 Jul 2016 Angel
Prathipa Nair
Love birds were they
Tamed in different cages
She, in the cage of caste
He, in the cage of cachet
Never did the owners knew
Holding hands together
Can bring them both
The caste and cachet
Adding the pith of love
Lack of courage in facing it
Love birds surrender
Themselves to death
 Jul 2016 Angel
Abigail Sedgwick
It's the little things
(that will never be big things)
that drive me to tears.
Dont think things have to die.
Nothing has to die
I didnt want the relationship to die.
But it did.
And it didnt have to.
But you wanted to control my life
Every minute of it.
You needed to see who i talked to
Who i didnt
And you had to make sure you were it
Even though ive told you a thousand times that i am a loyal man that is yours forever.
Yet it wasnt enough.
Because you still tried
To hold my life
Like it was a ball
And eventually
You dropped it.
I admit
It was my fault i wasnt brave enough to end it earlier
So it ate at me
I became angry.
I was grumpy.
That ****** you off
So i ended us
The relationship died.
But if only you had honored my wish
Like i did yours
We could still be
 Jul 2016 Angel
Rachael Judd
Oh, and darling
If you asked
for water
I'd bring you the ocean
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