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2.7k · Apr 2014
Paige Apr 2014
Where's the man whose love is big enough

To catch a waterfall?

Whose rain slicker is sturdy enough to let things roll

Who isn't afraid to stare down a stream

Or look a storm right in the eye?

This man doesn't run;

The water-bearer--

On his shoulders he lifts the weight of love.

Do you know how many times I've seen

A man turn and run away from me

Instead of rushing to the sea?

He trickles away from feeling;

He dries up.

No, the man I'm speaking of

Is more than an oasis in a desert of difficulty;

He is a full-on river

Gaining speed

As he rolls down the mountainside

Carving canyons as he goes

Defeating the foes

That try to make us hide

from our emotions

--In fact, this man feels oceans

And never turns back

On his decisions

Doesn't reconsider the love he's given

or what he lacks

Because when he lacks, he makes more.

This is the secret of persistence

That keeps the sea kissing the shore

Because at times the tide gets pulled back by the force of the moon

But this man keeps sovereignty over the moment, knowing that soon

He will come crashing back onto her shore

And she will be waiting.

Yes, the earth would wait

Solid as a rock

for his return-

Her faith unshakable,

Though she is moved by his caresses.

She remains ever the same,

But she is molded, changed

By his loving form.

Made even more beautiful

By his presence.

Where is a man like this?

I've yet to find

One with such ardent purpose of mind

As to sweep his lady love

Off her feet, in a great flood

Of kisses and hugs

and promises fulfilled

The man who has an immutable will

And an unalterable course

Who dissolves the rock

And inscribes his love into the very earth

Not just by strength or force,

but perseverance

And resolve for all he's worth.
573 · Apr 2014
Paige Apr 2014
my mind just

''''''''''''rep'eats and rep'''''''''''''eats and rep'''''''eats and rep'eats

'like a broken record

'of this sickly sweet tune ive heard before

'that seemingly has no end

'(but i know every downbeat)

'it says what i want is not you

'''''but what was then-'-'''''''''''''''

''''''''''''like this broken key

''''''on the keyboard''''''

''''''''of the comp'uter you gave me

'dont you see how it rep'eats

''''''' it broke ever since you went away

'it came back for a time

'i thought the ap'ostrop'he

'joining two words

'was here to stay

'but here it broke again

''''''''''''''''''''''''and this key

''doesnt even want to be friends

'it p'ressed delete.
517 · Sep 2014
Cool Waters
Paige Sep 2014
There is a girl few talk to
Who drifts about like the wind.
If you let her pass from your glance,
You might never see her again.

She moves swiftly over miles
Out of darkness into light,
Down rails reigning in
Wild mustang trains
To evade the call of night

When she reaches the illumined shoreline
The fire within ablaze;
She waits for one to dive in alongside her
Meet her gaze.

— Word
5 July 2014
446 · Apr 2014
Paige Apr 2014
Contact: noun, \ˈkän-ˌtakt\
The apparent touching or mutual tangency of the limbs of two celestial bodies, or of the disk of one body with the shadow of another during an eclipse, transit, or occultation.

-Merriam Webster

Contact is so important.
And that's why if you can't contact me fully you won't contact me at all
And if I
Come closer
You push me away.
When all I want to do is send your soul a
A contact lens
In alignment with your eye
Your future comes into focus
And my love is blind
But you shut your eyes on it.

When I stand in front of your face
My lips receive your contact
As you speak sweet honey to me
Then slowly slip away

And I think
Did I reach the right number?
Or maybe I was just one of a number, for you
Because too many calls can cause static
When you've had more than one name on your contact list before mine
Or did I just not call at the right time?

Sorry I couldn't be in contact with you--
Not in the way she was
But I was making love in the REAL way a person does
Over long distance and over time
And you should know that I have been in contact, too
Every single breath I breathe, I breathe for you
And it affects the air current, and then the oceans, and the moon
You see
So when you see it, think of me
Because it is my message to you in the sky
My love written out loud in the stars.
When things get dark
I will always want to be the one to turn on the light for you
Feel the sunlight on your skin?
Well, that's my contact, too.
I’m shining, and I’m burning up my heart and soul for you…

But now my heart is broken
And my screen is cracked
And I seem to be unresponsive to contact
But the reality is that
If you want me,
You have to come and get me.
You have to be the one to touch me.
—and I want you to.
But I'm through fighting a one-sided battle just to lose
The most precious thing I had
Time and time again
Because I'll always lose it
If you don't choose to let me in.

I speak of your heart.

This distance separates us but is no different than
the wall of empty space that separates each atom, and
In fact, skin to skin is not even true contact.
So what makes life real?
Is it the contact between our bodies
Or our souls?
Now, this is the thing you’ll always have under your own control!

And that,
That is where it all comes right down to choice.
Because no matter how loud I make my voice
You have to choose me too.
And I’m another broken window who wants to hear
“I love you.”

I want to be swept up by love
And I want it to shake me, down to my soul
I want to be hugged so tight I’m left whole.
I want the light to penetrate my very being.
Two celestial bodies in perfect resonance
Enveloped in pure beauty up in the Heavens.

My love, what I want is the truest form of contact—

To drown in this love, and never look back.
361 · Sep 2014
Paige Sep 2014
I want a man whose soul is pure;
a deep ocean that is yet as clear as glass
Whose intentions are genuine and steadfast
Who will hold me to his heart…
I want a man whose love will start
anew every brilliant morning,
Who loves as tenderly as green leaves and budding branches
with all his strength, courageously;
Endlessly devoted.
Who loves God more than he loves me—
So much that he falls to his knees.

I want a man whose kisses are sweet like honey,
Whose words are cool as rain;
Who has a healing touch.
I want a man who burns like the sun
With love for the world:
A sweet-smelling blaze
Which fills up my lungs.

I want a man whose pride is as limber as young shoots of grass.
Who bends in the breezes.
Who breathes like the river, and lets things flow.
Whose anger is like warm sand,
that is soft and slips away easily.
I want a man who forgives as often as raindrops hit the soil.
Who cultivates his relationships with his loved ones
as carefully as a farmer tends to the earth.
He gives every last piece of himself to nourish it.
I want a man who ardently seeks my heart,
who endeavours for my soul,
Who recognises my worth.

I want a man who looks down at me from his tall tree height
Shoulders strong as a redwood, with gentle eyes
That pour out their beautiful emotions like a waterfall.
I want a man whose breath smells like coffee
And whose hugs feel like velvet and cinnamon.
I want forehead kisses, and winding walks in nature where the air is bracing.
I want to be hugged in the kitchen by arms as warm as a fireplace.
I want him to smile when he takes me into his arms every night
Smiling lips I can feel between kisses
and whispers of “I love you”
I want to be held like a delicate rose,
and ravished like an ocean storm.
Fall in time with the beat of his heart;
let it become the rhythm of my life.
I want to be protected like a lion,
and loved like a lamb.
It’s okay that I am small.
The bigness of his heart overwhelms me
And I melt…
Into his arms.

-- -
Word, 4 April 2014

— The End —