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  Apr 2017 Paige
She saw the blood this morning,
as she was making the bed
She sat down in the rocking chair,
and sadly, dropped her head
Remembering what he did last night,
the awful things he said
Shame came creeping over her,
turning her bruised face bright red
All the years they'd been together,
seven, since they'd wed
She had hoped for love and kindness,
but got misery instead
She heard his boot heels on the walk,
her heart sank, filled with dread
The monster hit her too hard that time,
she sleeps with Angels, in heavens bed
Paige Apr 2017
He called me beautiful
But he made me feel ugly
he hurt me
I can never be fixed
he denied what he did
But bragged to his friend
Is that all I am?
*A toy?
this guy thought it was ok to touch even when I said no. But this is not the first time something like that happened, and I hope it never happens to anybody
Paige Apr 2017
You were the Sun
And I was the Moon
Silently wishing to be the World so that I could feel your warmth
Even though I was surrounded by the Stars I couldn't help but feel lonely
Counting down the days when we would pass by each other
And pushing myself to eclipse with you
I felt so useless
Like I was nothing
And felt hurt by the things your world spat at me
I would try to disappear but kept coming back because I didn't want to lose your warmth
I need your warmth
Without you I would lose my glow
Without you I would not be the Moon
It's scary to know that I have to depend on you when you don't have to depend on me
Why can't I be your World
Why can't you love me
You were the Sun
And I was your Moon
But you belonged to your World
What are you?
The sun, world, or moon
Paige Apr 2017
I                                                           I                                                             I
  Want                                             Want                                                Want
        ­   To                                           To                                               To
               Be                                        Be                     ­                      Be
                   Free                               Free                                   Free    
                          And                        And­                           And    
                                  To                     To                       To      
                                       Be                 Be                   Be        
                                           So             So              So    
                                               At         At         At
                                                        PEACE ­   
                                              At         At         At  
                                          So             So              So  
                                      Be                 Be                   Be    
                                  To                     To                       To    
                          And                        And  ­                        And  
                   Free                                Free                         ­        Free  
               Be                                        Be                     ­                      Be  
           To                                            To                 ­                             To    
   Want                                              Want           ­                                    Want  
I                                                         ­   I                                                             I
It took a LONG time to do this
Paige Apr 2017
I am a wanderer
Looking to find myself here
I'm trying to see myself in a mirror
That is shattered into a million pieces
As time goes by my image becomes clearer
Yet instead of going up my confidence decreases
Struggling to glue the mirror back together
Through this toil my turmoil releases
The blades are as soft as a feather
As they dance across my skin
I have found myself now
Does anyone relate to this?
I hope not.
Paige Mar 2017
Death flirts with me
And I love it
He tries to make me see
And when I don't He throws a fit
He knows that I love him
For He is my dearest friend
Whatever He asks of me He knows I'll do on a whim
I hope my adventure with Him will never come to an end
Death flirts with me
And I want Him to
Till the end of time we will be
He whispers softly with a coo
  Mar 2017 Paige
Like the fevered blood coursing through veins

Like open sores upon the skin

Like the drums that faltered in the rain

Like the potion quietly bunged within

Like the promise doomed never to be kept

Like the mouth which spoke too quick

Like the palms, too eager to accept

Like the heart that now refused to tick
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