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Oct 2014 · 1.8k
Lolo Oct 2014
We all human
We turn to nights for the answers
At night the setting is set
Like a rain storm
It falls
The drops of madness
Your eyes close
But are you really asleep
You see, your past, future highlights
You try to recreate and plot a differ
Outcome. Over and over
Flashes after flushes
The regrets and joyfulness soaks in.
Everything turns black and white
To what if. . .
Oct 2014 · 4.2k
Lost Passion
Lolo Oct 2014
Maybe my passion just ain't enough.
“I don’t believe in love”
I mean
I am fully capable
Of loving
There’s just this 
Obsequious sentiment with "forever", our passion
Life's never fair, it never plays soft
One lifetime, one love
Could last exactly that long?
Sep 2014 · 798
Phone Calls
Lolo Sep 2014
Sounds of your voice linger
Within connective tissue, 
Memories of us engaging in laughter, 
Present in mind, but reality has past us, 
Phone conversations,
Endless talks
Hours of nothing
Counting minutes
Two second call
To no rings at all.
Sep 2014 · 874
One Heart
Lolo Sep 2014
Two people
Two minds
Mazed by constant confusion.
Unsuring by mix signals.
One hoping. . .
holding out a hand in the dark
One searching. . .
Seeking farther from the reach.
Two people
But. . .
One heart.

— The End —