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 Nov 2014 Olivia Greene
my breath...
   my past my future...
my sweet gasp when I am dying,
    my thought when I am alone.
My today and tomorrow,
    joy and sorrow,
my depth to where
   I search this world.
To find a need I need  in you.
   Like a starving child seeks nourishing,
Like the blind seeks light,
   I sought out you,
the purpose for me being .
 Nov 2014 Olivia Greene
one graph
          one para
          two tunes
a melody
stating stately
and balances
Falling safe safe safe
The day i let my smile falter
The day my tears never seemed to end
The day i felt so **** alone
The day i felt i had no friend
The day i lost my confidence
The day i finally became aware
The day i learned i am no one
The day i learned why no one cares*

That was the day I began hating myself.
And I'm waiting for the day I'll learn to stop
 Nov 2014 Olivia Greene
Buried my face deep
in your hair and mumbled soft
words that make me shy
 Nov 2014 Olivia Greene
How is life associated with death?
Or white with black?
Or dark or light?
How is upwards related to downwards?
Or North and South?
Or East and West?
Or left and right?
How is happiness similar to sadness?
Or love with hate?

Without one of them,
The other wouldn't exist.
idk. You tell me what this is about..........
 Nov 2014 Olivia Greene
slicing my skin
clear through
to the *******;
I am broken again
but , not enough to need you.
Falling asleep again,
turning blue,
your biggest fan is your hero,
I hide my disdain,
I remember , in theory,
being true to
writing for me and I,
now I am hearting .
strangers in the bleeding
 Nov 2014 Olivia Greene
Let us close this invocation, this devotional, this
service here at our revered, Natural Light Deliverance Tabernacle,
with our unanimous heart felt shout out of Amen.
    We passed around the collection plate dressed all up in our Sunday
best. I just hope, you did not see, I put in my last penny.
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