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 Apr 2015 Olivia Choi
 Apr 2015 Olivia Choi
I realized what you meant
When you thought it's just laziness
When you expressed your concern
Over my health
Over my being over
The lack
Of me
Over the lack of art
The lack of things I create with my
Mind and my hands
And my need
To express
My insides
The raw things
And thoughts
And feelings
I understand
Your concern and desperate way
Of speaking
Your exasperated wondering
If something in me is broken.
I'm happy
But where is my art
My paintings
And I think
Maybe because I am happy
I have lost the ability
To create
The things I made before
Were art born of pain
Born of raw unfiltered sorrow
And when I'm happy
Art doesn't flow as easily
And I've just accepted it
And I've just accepted being
In a rut.
And I understand your
Your sorrow
Your wondering and fear
That I'm just going to be
Lazy and Undriven.
Your fear that
I've stopped
That I've stopped going
That I'm in love
And that I love you
But what am I doing
Sleeping and eating and nothing
So much
I am going to change that.
I am going to change me.
Because I love you.
And love is not enough.
You need to see that spark in me.
You need to see that go.
The big dreams.
That I've tucked away.
For comfort in sleep.
I need those nights where I toss
And turn
Until I get up and create
Drawing things
Boring things
Amazing things
Playing music from my heart
Singing from my soul
And making things around me beautiful
Any song can sound sweet,
if you tune your tone appropriately,
and add a lyric,
with a melody
and I have seen where there is a life,
there is a song
but some songs are not only a love song
that notion was a loop, intense, black and blue passionate song
was not romantic

She was a sad song
and I thought I would know how to make it better
like if I could be the only to love her again,
I believed that everything would fall into a melodious love song
but  I lost a few lines of lyrics
and there was bit melody missing that I couldn't find
and I saw too many scratches on the disc
I couldn't let myself be made no longer
trying to fix her entirety.
@Musfiq us shaleheen
scratches on the disc
 Nov 2014 Olivia Choi
The snow is falling and all I can remember
Is you screaming at the sky imploring it to stop crying
Before you started too
The house lights start to flicker and the clocks all turn to zero
I guess that even time respects our storms
We identified ourselves as clouds it was always you and me
And I can't remember a time when either of us cried alone
I like to think that the longer we last
The more warm and honest we become
But seasons still change and everything we grew will die soon
We drift apart from time to time but somehow we never seem to get far
Always held together like magnets bending gravity
I don't think I'll ever get used to this every time the door closes
I have a panic attack because I can't hear your heart beating anymore
The blood pounding in my own ears is not enough
And I don't need a nightlight just your hand when things get too dark
 Nov 2014 Olivia Choi
His adorable curiosity
Heartfelt sincerity
Rare honesty
His heart's purity

Bring them back to me...

His comforting words
The kind I've never heard
Seductive and mellifluous voice
His contentment,with me as his choice

Bring them back to me...

His arousing fantasies
Romantic gestures
Perfect heartache remedies
Keeping me safe with a mysterious vesture

Bring them back to me...

The warmth of his skin
Soft whispers in my ears
Infectious wide grin
His undying trust, gathering my tears

Bring them back to me...

I'm not ready for another chapter
It's miserably unbearable
I know YOU are there, so please answer
My prayer for a miracle...
#prayingforamiracle  #you #miss #tears
 Nov 2014 Olivia Choi
the kind of girl who craves
falling leaves
and coffee shop loves
with the soft plucks of a guitar
and the vague taste of tobacco
on his tongue
You want to rot your guts?
drink cyanide,
they say,to decay
your inside bits
give you the *****
and poison all relationships.

I drink white *** and if
that Kingdom should ever come
I'll be ****** anyway,
another decay.

As the angels sing,I
look in the book,
can't read a thing,
it's all Greek to me.

the librarian lied as I
fly and I swallow
more cyanide.
 Nov 2014 Olivia Choi
You took me to odd places
My own mind was one of them
From our first conversation
To the first time we hung out
I knew it would be different
I just can’t help shaking this feeling
The heart wants what the heart wants
And I am going to be positive about this
With my experiences with you
I learned more about myself
Than I thought I would
I learned that I am brave
Or at least capable of being so
I learned that deep down inside
I’m positive as ****
I learned that you can find friends
In the most unlikely places
I learned that you can always
Come back from a dark place
As long as you have someone to help you out
Thank you for the memories
They were pretty great
And I hope that we make more
i rewrote "my last poem about you"
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