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 Jul 2014 Claudwell
Grace Pickard
I am the water that trickles down your     throat
With each gulp you drink into me-I         satiate
I am the air your lungs breathe in and           out
Filling each breath only to be expelled consistently
I am the empty space between your blinks
The lacuna that widens your range of sight
I am the sun that beats down on your
Nourishing your cold bones- becoming emaciate
I am the moon pulling the ocean in and out
Mystifying your unmitigated thought
I am the matter surrounding all you
Which must cause you quite the horrid fright

Love breathes into life;
Without life, love dies.
For being alive: I give you my love, but my presence will haunt you...for you live because of me and vice versa.
July 13, 2014
©2014, Grace Pickard, all rights reserved
 Jul 2014 Claudwell
 Jul 2014 Claudwell
It's just a word.
A word that means 'without anything'.
Like my heart.
Like my home.
Left with nothing
Like a hole
Without a soul
Once was filled
But now it's gone
In the dark
All alone
By yourself
Without a sound
In the cold
Left to die
 Jul 2014 Claudwell
i ask you to be patient

there are still cracks between my ribcage
i am trying to fix
and i am still searching for ways to mend
my broken, tattered wings

there are parts of me like missing puzzle pieces
i'm still trying to find
and i own many things, yet if there's one thing
i do not own, that would be time

again, i must ask you to be patient

at times my head is a storm of emotions;
thunder and lightning are all i hear
at times i will play a game of hide and seek
yet it's not you i hide from but my fears

i'm the girl who wears her heart on her sleeves
yet i hide behind closed doors
the kind who smiles bright like fire
though she crumbles in ashes to the floor

once more, please be patient

wait; i promise you'll see the masterpiece i am
for i am of many dimensions
and through my eyes, you will see
my thoughts as the stars made into constellations

i am the galaxy, and i am infinite
a firework, a work of art
all i ask is for you to be patient and stay
to see past the pain darkening my heart
I am not a poet
i certainly know it
but these rhymes in my head
i must write them...and show it

on this site
there are beautiful words
they come from the minds
of those ..such as yours

poems are beautiful
they may make you cry
the rhymes that i write
you'll ask yourself why

i'm a big fan of seuss
the dr. of who's
does it show very much
or no..such luck

i love to read what you people write
your words are sound
your words are bright

maybe someday...i can do the same
but in the meantime...i've something to say
i know the difference between the varities
poems and odes and lyrical remedies

i love all that you write
keep up the good work
i'll start leaving comments
on superior work.....

my work is dark
and dreary too
i will write something special
just for you.......

you'll know when you see it...
it will be sad and blue
on wings of a dove
without the dark hue.....

what makes you a poet
i do not know
but the thoughts we all write
are certainly true
of love and brutality
and thing's that are cruel

i see many styles...amongst all these pages
none like my own....god somebody save us
i'm tryin my's all new to me
i'm digging much probably see

in case your wondering...i must tell you this
i miss dr suess and his lickity split
but something is real....i know for a fact...
i am but a man
who does like green eggs...with bacon not ham.......
Sometimes it's just a conch shell
I am tired of holding
to my ear.

The birdsong outside my window
fills me more than your affection
ever could. When I say I am in love
with the entire ******* planet,
I mean it is impossible
for me to settle down.

I am not the type to sink
in the river, I want to float
on my back through the bloodstream
of the Earth and let the moon tell me
when it is too dangerous to go

I never learned how
to swim. I am far too cautious
when I talk. My body is self-conscious
about letting the chlorine of
a summer pool touch me, fill me
like you used to.

I guess that's why I'm leaving,
love. The open air is a much better lover
than the sea. I would rather burn
inside the marrow of a far-off star
than feel alone at the bottom of the ocean,
only fish to guarantee I'm still alive.

Love is Pluto,
drifting in space searching
for something to hold onto
never knowing it is in orbit
circling something it will
never get to touch.

I wish I'd never touched you.
Never felt the sandpapered scars
that fold inside the creases in
your wrists. Never let you think
I had fallen from heaven, I wish
I'd told you I'm searching
for a way to float on top of clouds
without needing a God to tell me
I'm happy.

Maybe I only loved you
when you were unhappy.
Maybe your shoulder blades
never contained the wings I thought
I could see when the lights were out.

Baby, you were the ink
pouring from Shakespeare's
****** quill. You were the barnacle
in the sand waiting to take in
the blood and screaming disbelief
of a child, you were the whales
beaching themselves in one sorry attempt
to taste the grass.

You were the one
to always keep sinking.
It was your sandpaper
I held under my tongue
hoping it would rasp
long enough for someone
to tell me I was bleeding.

You were always
bleeding, especially when
I was gone. Now,
you breathe smoke
and still tell me it's me
who needs you.
The cannibal is thirsty
for a flesh martini
Dabs of salt here and there
On tongue and ocean groin
The ******* is hungry
To be the tender olive
Eaten very slowly
Lick the ****** pleasures
Of each other's
Maternal affections
pouring open by God's rage
They are
To each other's
wonderfully delicious
as frosting or
They are rare fruit, indeed
What are the odds of them finding each other?
Just goes to show, my lonely lovers
There's someone for everyone
You too
Will find
Your soul mate
just as the blood
Will eventually
the cannibal's
Oh my love,
you are my
yummy chicken bone
dipped in
"Ahhhhh...." he says
"This must be love."

— The End —