( the story of love which never grows old. )
I saw something the other day which blew me completely away
Sitting in a diner with a picture of his wife on the table
Who had recently passed away, but in his heart she did stay.
Fifty five years of heavenly bliss, recalling every moment and every kiss.
Tears would always fill his eyes, because it’s so hard to say good-bye.
He would run his finger on the picture of her face
Recalling every line, every trace.
Then a smile would appear, as he recalled his wedding year.
He had struggled to make ends meet, till he got on his feet
Working full time and going to school, for an education was the tool.
So his wife took two jobs and made him quit working
For this was the dream that he had been searching.
His dream had come true because of her love
And this is what he was thinking of.
In a whisper that could hardly be heard came his final words.
“We had shared a life and love so strong, that with you is where I belong.
This cancer has spread and has taken over my body and mind
And an angel has told me that it is now my time.
So keep the door open because I am coming home
So you will never be alone.”
He took his final breath with her picture in his hand
For he was going to the Promised Land.
where love overcomes all