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oguh stanley Mar 2016
Visual chaos runs havoc in a weeping world,
echoes of screaming pain in my bleeding words.
The ocean is made from nothing but tears,
a reflection of the fears we hold and self worth.
The stars are slowly fading away into darkness,
love is dying as everybody is becoming heartless.
It seems evil is free to roam in every path,
could we imagine exactly what the stars felt?
We live our lives on hope; an article now lost,
everything we ever once had is now gone.
Faith and belief are becoming nothing but myths,
and dead are now the dreams we had of bliss.
My pen is hurting at the tip leaking drops of blood ink,
silent screams I can hear synonymous to what i think.
Truth has become what we feared as nightmares,
and yet unaware we remain of what the shadow brings.
I'm lyrically paralyzed when they physically analyze,
Individually agonized as my syllables detect paradise.
We sit back as we watch the world being visibly vandalized,
And how the seekers of truth are ridiculously patronized.
The winds whisper the secrets of life we never found,
The sins linger with the sight of hell and it's sound.
We have lost this war against the creeping shadows,
and are consumed by our thoughts and our doubts.
oguh stanley Feb 2015
Visual chaos runs havoc in a weeping world,
echoes of screaming pain in my bleeding words.
The ocean is made from nothing but tears,
a reflection of the fears we hold and self worth.
The stars are slowly fading away into darkness,
love is dying as everybody is becoming heartless.
It seems evil is free to roam in every path,
could we imagine exactly what the stars felt?
We live our lives on hope; an article now lost,
everything we ever once had is now gone.
Faith and belief are becoming nothing but myths,
and dead are now the dreams we had of bliss.
My pen is hurting at the tip leaking drops of blood ink,
silent screams I can hear synonymous to what i think.
Truth has become what we feared as nightmares,
and yet unaware we remain of what the shadow brings.
I'm lyrically paralysed when they physically analyse,
Individually agonised as my syllables detect paradise.
We sit back as we watch the world being visibly vandalised,
And how the seekers of truth are ridiculously patronised.
The winds whisper the secrets of life we never found,
The sins linger with the sight of hell and it's sound.
We have lost this war against the creeping shadows,
and are consumed by our thoughts and our doubts.
oguh stanley Dec 2014
You came into my life when I needed you the most
You offered me your heart,your support and held me so close.
You guided me out of all my misery
You cared, you listened and you set all of my worries free
You gave me strength when I was weak
You reached for my hand to guided me back on my feet.
You offered me your shoulder when I need to cry
You encouraged me to stay strong and to always try.
You are like a sweet angel from the sky
You bring me so much joy and you lift my spirits so high.
You always were the one that stood by me
You assured me how beautiful my life could be.
You took away all of my pain and sadness
You gave me hope and showed patiences
and erased my sorrows and madness.
You have captured my heart and soul
You are what I need you know
You are truly my very best
You stand out above the rest.
You really mean the world to me
You are everything what true love should be.
You are not only my friend and lover
You are the one that I want to be with forever.
You are truly my one soul mate
You are my destiny,my life and my everything
oguh stanley Oct 2016
Alone in the darkness; inside a broken heart,
Sitting on the throne of pain; a remaining particle of a broken soul,
My wound is love; it has once been my anchorage and my port of will in this abstruse world,
My pen is bleeding dark ink; feebly searching for emotional resilience,
maps of tears stain searching for pathway to the island of bliss,
What else but Love; the reason for my pain; the reason for the scar of misery I bear,
The anguish and despair masking these emotional challenges I raced,
the torment of the soul i enrage and shadows of the abyss that follow me to every place,
if you could understand the language of my heart,
the silent screams; the violent dreams echoing beneath the pit of my fragile mind,
Concealing the lingering shiver of hurts with fake smiles,
Trying to forget the lies and how deep fake love hurts,
Exhausting my emotional strength fighting this sting of pain,
The pain that cannot be expressed in words but crying,
Sitting in the darkness; tears flowing from my eyes like streams,
Cursing the heartless; for ruining my life and killing my dreams,
Questioning myself if it was possible for my heart to be fixed and repaired?
The shadow on the wall with fear instilled and despairs,
Sitting in the darkness with no hope remaining,
With nothing but a broken heart in the wish that life would replace it.
oguh stanley Dec 2014
These words just can't express it all when it comes to you
You take out every words out of my lips
Each time I try explaining how I feel about you
Paradise is the most beautiful sight in creation
The 2nd most beautiful I have ever seen is you
i wanna describe how beautiful you are...
but 1st I need to invent a whole new language just for that purpose
I don't need a dictionary to define the word 'BEAUTIFUL'
you are all the definition I need to describe it
I still can't believe I have you in my heart
How we met and how we fell in love
Are memories I will forever cherish till I die
The sight of you smiling at me
Arouses and gladdens every part of my soul
Its like sparks of light projecting from the windows of heavens
and the view of watching the angels lift its wings to fly
To everyone,there are 7 natural wonders of the world
To me,there's only one natural wonder in this world & its YOU
Your voice is bliss made in heaven When you talk,everything stops to listen
Even the earth stops rotating round the sun just to hear you
Your voice is the melody of a thousand love songs to my ears
Its like liquid enchantment poured into my eardrums
The very moment you walked through the doors of my heart
Is the very moment where I first experience heaven on earth
You took away my sense of speech
The very first time you said to me " I LOVE YOU "
I stood still like an electrocuted fellow
I just didn't know the right words to say
All I wanted was to keep hearing it over and over again
it echoed deep down my eardrums and kept my ears ringing
And the first time we kissed?
Made me lose my conscious state and awareness of what surround me
You are a precious gift of inestimable value
a friend created with virtue of grace and love
You deserve all the good things life has got to offer
That's why I want to spend the remaining half of my life to grant you all of it
i've got your face tattoed on the walls of my heart
And the imprint of your smile brightens my existence
My head is like a memory card filled only with pictures & thoughts of you
Even a screwdriver cannot unscrew thoughts of you from my head
Without you I'm incomplete Like Thor without its hammer
Like a man without a soul and a world without air
My queen,I'm the snail,you're my shell
The only thing that will make me leave you is if am dead
i can't let u go u are like the sun;both my light,my centre of gravity
without u,i'll fall apart like a broken soul
If I could be forever young, I would be forever yours I still wanna grow old with you tho
I want tomorrow,but I don't want tomorrow if you won't be in it
I'll never be perfect... but I'll always be yours
til my every hair is white,and my age enters 3- digits,and im toothless and wrinkled...i'd still be loving you.
oguh stanley Dec 2016
I am just a pen in Gods Holy palm
Swaying graciously down the pact of His will
His the words I write; am just the vessel
Cutting through the forest of the unseen world

I am just as invisible as the wind
He's my direction; my speed of impact
You my Lord,are the cause of my movement
Who am I to resist your hallowed calling?

I am just a pen not a gun
I write to give hope not to **** dreams
To proliferate healing words
to the needy who beckons for a cure

Am a pen pregnant with sacred words
Am called for a purposeful journey
To clear thick forest of hopelessness
With His words as my lyrics of bulldozer

I bring my words filled with hopeful lyrics
To those famished in heart to be fed with hope
To those who gave up their sword to life's battle

Come to me my dearest friends; come hear my lyrics
I am armed with sweet words not inflated promises
My words are the bricks of hope
You can build your dreams with

Come bask in the warmth of my lyrics
Let it sink down to the core of your troubled heart
Let it wet your garden of doubt and insecurity
It's all the verbal therapy you need

I am just a pen; nothing more than a pen
I have no life of fantasy; no speciality
But my body is endowed with wisdom
That can last you for a life time when follow.
oguh stanley Oct 2016
Her beauty is that of a million diamonds glittering with perpetual gracefulness; each reflecting its own ray of light making brilliant patterns,
She in herself an integral part; a masterpiece of God’s finest art,
As His giant gentle hands molded her He knew exactly who she would be,
She would be the one whose voice is so calm; calm enough to hear the whispers of angels from the depth of eternity,
Whose smile blaze with sullen magic; enough to penetrate through the sandstones of the hills and mountains,

She will be in her human self a miracle on the face of existence; whose beauty is indescribable in words; a joy to watch when she grazes the floor with her graceful walk,
To see the eyes of men attendant and respectful; and the eyes of women upholding the hypothesis of her dignify honor when she talks,
She will be that lady who moves with such flawless coherence of elegance and perpetual gracefulness that dead heart beat when she pass,
Sending off a wave of unstinted pleasure to their inhumane face in amazement to her indefinable class,

She will be that lady whose voice command respect; so much respect that no bird dares sing in the planet when she talks,
In view of the universe being created around her immaculate gracefulness; the earth would rotate and dance in congruence to the luxuriant wave of her sweet voice,
waxing strong in her ambiance such to believe in her ineffable gift of completeness; for her presence is bliss seasoned with perfection,

She will be a dowager queen who radiates lucid rawness of orchestrated elegance; So much elegance that the angels gasp in the wake of her presence,
same very angels would spread their wings in adoration so she could graze upon them,
those same angels would seek and find solitude in the ambiance of her meticulous tenderness,  
wishing that the melody from her luxuriant voice could be turn into songs; they will forever dance to its tune of sublime perfection,
wishing they could bask in the warmth of her smile; they will never forget to mask their face with it,
wishing they could bath with the purity that springs from her immaculate eyes; they will remain forever sacred,
wishing their names could be transcribed into the adoring letters of her name; for they shall forever bear the name HANNAH.
oguh stanley Dec 2016
She is the beauty of the day
Her smile opens the noon
Her laughter brightens the night.

She is the first beauty that bestowed my eyes
Her warm smile greeted my face in first sight
Her eyes are the spectre of bliss.

When she laughs, the world ***
Her face has the rainbow' colours
I will write my name on her temple.

Her smile is the stillness of life rage
A calm ambience of warming tenderness
Calm enough to hear the whispers of angels.

She is the verses of poetry on my lips
Edifying humans future through purity
She is love to whom love is love to.

Her tongue is the seas and the oceans of truth
The golden cherubem clothed in holiness
A juicy saint created beyond description.

Her heart as immaculate as the white horses of the sky
A cushion of love that house me till eternity calls
She hold the key to the inner court of me.

She is the beauty of the day I was born
She a mother, a teacher; and a mediator
Standing between me and my chi above.

If you see mother at the market square
Tell her that her son is writing a letter;
A letter that will change her life forever.

If you come face to face with her
Tell her she is a demi-god
Adored In the eyes of her son.
oguh stanley Oct 2015
Skies of white and the gentle touch of cold,
a shivering spine to the core of our souls.
The crows are crying, an afternoon so windless,
the emergence of the mythical like the sinless.
Colours reverting to shades of black and white,
lives turning into inanimate sets of lost eyes.
The once brown leaves turn a sight of grey,
and the dying trees now forget to pray.
Heart beats slow by the passing of death,
a minus temperature in our gasping breaths.
This isn't a nightmare we see lying in our beds,
questions rising in our heads; is life but a test?
Death waits for none; grimacing in the shadows,
he is everywhere; even within walls so narrow.
A touch of frost from head to toe; a still heart,
this is the touch of death tearing you apart.
We live to reach; to accomplish and to succeed,
in goals, ambitions and in happiness we seek
but we forget that even we are on a time limit,
and death shall not hesitate to inflict and finish
And as we close our eyes to meet our sleep,
the sister of the spectre that we fear to meet.
A thought; a fading hope if we shall live to wake,
and with our gentle sleep decides our very fates.
oguh stanley Jan 2016
Do we record our endless thoughts that we think when we wake,
On the bases of reality of life that gives and take
Do we remember how the hurt felt,the pain of misery struck
how the joy of forgiveness erases and endless smile stuck
Do you remember how the tears of hurt drips with so much hoarse
And how the past is forgotten full of remorse.
Do we recognize the hug that hurts and how heartbreak feels
The friendly hand that makes and how true love heals
Do we recall how test and challenges of life breaks us
And how our strive to overcome makes us
Do we reminisce how the cost of betrayal was a cheap bargain
And how we learn to move on and to build trust again
Do we remember how finding true love was so rare
And how faith and trust erases every atom of fear
Do we remember how hatred creeps,the world roves in greed
And how true care stood as we sang the rhyme of love in a creed
Do we remember the obnoxious past,the wrong turns and harsh choice
And how we live to learn and speak with the right voice
Do we remember the road not taken,the choice not made
And how we finally understood that life is a beauty that will never fade
Do we recall the intriguing fear of death,the shadow it looms with
And how hope of heaven was the life in us,the spectrum of miracle it shines with
Do we now know not to forget life is a beautiful mystery our minds can never understand,
And how gospel of its gift of abyss and bliss intertwined
oguh stanley Dec 2016
Nothing nears perfection like your smile; it is believed to be the make- up worn by angels,
Your face; ethereally lovely; perpetually graced with the touches of angels.

Your breath- taking beauty walled the template of my thought; enough not to forget how Heaven glows in your radiance,
Life in its erratic form makes perfect sense in the ambiance of your presence.

You are such that the planet is created around your meticulous tenderness,
Waxing strong at your ambiance; such to believe in its ineffable gift of weakness.

When you talk, no bird sings in the planet; every living entity stops to pay attention,
The earth rotates in congruence to the luxuriant wave of your voice; dancing to its sublime perfection.

Your laughter reverberate in such a melodic tune that the angels dance to its rhythm,
Joyfully bonded in congruence with its flow; adoring every tune of its appealing beat like the psalmist hymn.

Your lips deposits sweetness like pollen on stamens and pistils of my lips,
Enough sweetness to inundate my worries and fears at a glimpse.

You look at me with your serene but yet decipherable eyes and mitigates the stillness of loneliness in my opaque heart,
As a lady, you are an ideal sample of perfection; as a human, you are the integral part of Gods finest art.

I just can’t get enough of you; your love blooms with such sweetness like a long fermented wine,
I can drink and drown in its taste of breathtaking sweetness; get tipsy and still feel absolutely fine.

Your allure is offbeat; as indefinable as the coefficient of your inexhaustible beauty,
You are attention calling, extremely attractive to the dense bones of my cardiac cavity.

I love you and every unspoken word that you’ve ever thought of and every inch of flesh that is yours,
Your kiss is life to my cells; no such lips multiply cells in a single touch like yours.

My love for you is as indefinite as the sea; as vast as the galaxy of existence,
My love for you continues to grow just like root of plant grows beneath the soil with sublime resilience.

Like a Heron on fire; like a creeping mountain magma; my love blaze with such realness and sincerity,
And can never seize to end; be conquered by life’s challenges or drown in the depth of eternity.

Am stuck on you forever; forever bonded and inseparable like the Siamese twin for real,
Because baby; my love is forever; always have; and always will be.
oguh stanley Dec 2016
In a world as materialistic as ours
Where ladies are only after material things
I found you

In a world as ever erratic as mother earth
Where things happens faster than the speed of light
I have you

In a world where beauty hangs amongst shades of lipsticks
And arrays of cosmetics and make ups
I choose you

Amongst all the good things our world has to offer
Fast money; fast cars; luxurious houses
I want you

I found joy in your face; it fills me
Your eyes are bliss; they bless me
Your smile is my drugs; it heals me

You are my life; I only live to love you
The blue ball in my sky; the pillar that holds my world in shape
My earth and my paradise; my joy and happiness

You are the drum; my heart beat for
The very air my lungs yearns for
You are the warmth my skin bask for

Morning and sun down, my mind lingers of your thoughts
dawn and night, my consciousness reads of your name
What can I do if I do not have you?

What pains am I not to feel if you let go of me?
There might be a billion reason to smile about
But you happens to be my favourite one

I want you more
I need you all
I cherish you much
I love you most....
oguh stanley Dec 2016
We met as strangers; as two individuals with unfamiliar face,
We cross path with fate at the right time and at the right place.
Our path crosses just once and you seem far from leaving the corridor of my mind,
Never have I seen a radiant beauty like yours; to think you almost got my eyes blind.
You melted the wall surrounding my lonely heart at the instant sight of you,
Leaving one question racing through my mind; “How can a human be this beautiful”?
To see my very own eyes attendant as you walk pass me down the hallway,
A sight so adorable; a memory that never seize to linger at the template of my thought every day.
Can’t seem to forget how your feet glide the floor with much elegance than I can ever think of,
Even angels don’t have such walk; just not that graceful enough.
Don’t get me talking about your breathtaking smile; if only it powers were real,
Only it has the potency of pulling a bullet out of it stray.
And your inexhaustible beauty; that which the sun glows in it radiance,
Our own very own miracle on the galaxy of existence.
Am still in ecstasy ever since our glance transversely cutting the millisecond of time; that for me is our very own gravity,
That pulls us towards love and the slice of its insanity.
Same insanity that got my pen dancing in congruence to what my heart truly feels,
Racing to tell how I feel for you with the tip drop of the ink it bleeds.
It tells a fairy tale of love found in first light,
That greeted the rods and cones of my eyes in first sight.
Never have I felt this fabulous feeling of love for anyone not even in all of my youthfulness,
It still a thing of wonder how you turn my whole universe around with your meticulous tenderness.
Never knew how fast love can grow; never knew it burns like a wide fire,
Until you miss stranger became my forever wanting desire.
You change my definition of time as forever feels like seconds in your presence,
If only you would know life has no form and void in your absence.
How can I get you to understand this that everything around me losses its mystery when am with you,
Am not trying to complete the rhymes here but for real bliss in its purified state can be seen through your eyes in only one view.
In my own marvel picture you are my Mary Jane,
Of course am your superman and you; my Louise lane.
And together we will create our own very world; just you and me,
Cos baby our love is forever; always has been and always will be.
oguh stanley Jan 2015
I look at the entirety and the complexitity of life and I begin to think
I begin to imagine to a point where my thought became my ink
Looking at what people have to go through
Just to get to see life in a perfect view

I look at peoples life and I begin to wonder
If being created is a mere coincidence or just a blunder
Why people have to suffer so much
In extreme pain and unbearable misery in such
That even when they cry out in pain
Everyone think they are going insane

I look at people binded by their unfailing faith
trying to find the balance between nature and fate
Why some people are born in a rich home
While others have no option than to roam
About just to find answers to lifes questions
That are way beyond human comprehension

I look at options which people have to choose from
Dancing to what ever beat that comes out from lifes drum
Irrespective of how strenuous and difficult it is
Just to have their whole life in one piece

I look at people and I see the real meaning of endurance
To the hardship stages of life not worthy of remembrance
The difference it makes to give and receive
And the impurity in lies and to deceive

I look at people and I see what it takes to be a survivor
The gut it takes to be a striver
I see what it means to go through hell
And I feel just what they feel that they just can't tell

I look at the poor and I look at the rich
The differences between them that which
The rich makes plan for tomorrow
While the poor are left drowning in sorrow

I look at all the ironies of life surrounding our existence
And I begin to wonder human means of subsistence
In this crazy dark world of pain
with clouds of mysterious dark rain

I look at the heavens and pray for hope
That will not just help us to cope
With the pain misery of life
But will help save and give us a chance of a whole new life
oguh stanley Mar 2016
Hello bae

   Here I am within the walls of my room with my thoughts starring at the past in comparison with who I am today with that person I was before meeting you. Today I feel happy because I notice at each and every instance the importance you represent to me,you light up my world not only just with your presence but with your radiant smile,a smile so graceful like nothing seen in this world,a healing smile that can caress even the most hurting of hearts,My heart beats a song of untold story,a drum like the rhythm of sweet sensation as bliss can only be justified in the pleasantness of your joy,the moon in prostration to your elegance for you set the bars and measure for perfection,your beauty forever etched into the orifice of my mind,a beauty that would cause even the world to tremble,my head is filled with the thought of you cos you've graced the galleries and template that walled every inch of my heart,you are gorgeous and adorable capable of making me realize how good it is to feel loved,how good it is your presence makes me grow and transform into a better person capable of turning dreams into reality.
My dear my life without you would lack meaning,without you,I would be nothing but a wandering errant searching for my path that could lead me to happiness's door,in your absence my heart beats faster than it ever would,as both my mind and heart miss you more than they possibly could but with you around by my side,everything feels just right. I feel that all this love and care that I share here with you goes both ways and it fills our hearts with peace and joy,gazing endlessly into your deep yet sweet eyes,I realize the tender and pure light that pours from your heart and soul. I shall never let this feeling that joins us perish. Never by any chance let us drift away from love's true path built on complicity and affection.
Should this ever reach you my love, know it is not just a letter from my heart but a letter written with every fiber of true and sincere love echoing beneath the core of my heart....I love you my jewel of inestimable and immeasurable value and I can go any length in the whole world to prove that.

                                                                           Yours lovely
Your Sugar lover
oguh stanley Mar 2016
For all the steps that were never taken;Dreams yet to be awaken
Moments that were never made;Memories that will never fade
Actions that went awfully wrong;Betrayer that made me strong
Questions left unanswered;Prayers that were never answered
Friends that turned foes;People that stepped on my toes
Enemies made in the neighborhood ;Friendship that turn into brotherhood
Lessons that were learnt;Emotional fight that got my heart burnt
Hate that almost tore me apart;Love that find it way to my heart
Words that were left unsaid;All the tears that were shed
Heart that were left untouched;Lives that were never touched
The eternal silence that got broken;The dooms that gave no token
Challenges that got my knees to the ground;Circumstances that turned my life around
Decisions that were made right;The darkness that turned into light
Waves of emotion that lasted for a while;memories that made me smile
Weaknesses that beget strength;Choices that went arms length
The restless and eager wraith;Fears that turned into faith
The sorrows that turned happiness;The joy that drove away sadness
Tears that turned into laughter;My life in a whole new chapter
I will go on living my life instead;My entire world that still lies ahead
Inspite of all the wrongs and threat;My life is that of no regret
oguh stanley Mar 2016
My heart beats a song of untold story and rhyme,
A drum like rhythm to flow and find the end of  time.
Your beauty forever etched into the orifice of my mind,
And the world passing by; forever leaving us behind.
With thoughts of you filling my empty head,
And the touch of your love upon my very breath.
We once thought life was just a deadly test,
How wrong were we when we are to face a heavy death.
In your absence my heart beats faster than it ever would,
as both mind and heart miss you more than they possibly could.
I can't imagine living a life without you ever being in it,
you are forever in my heart; being as you always should.
Wind chimes sound sweet in a breeze but not as your voice,
the morning skies ablaze by the sun's morning light.
Bliss can only be justified in the pleasantness of your joy,
forever sounding out and away some mourning cries.
Your aura is that of divine singing from the seventh,
A beauty rarely found within all of the corners of heaven.
If grace was defined then surely it is by your blessing,
an angel not taught to us in any of our lessons.
Do your wings caress the passing clouds so gentle,
your halo touching the edge of the universe's temple.
Your shroud so pristine; so white; the colour an angel wears,
A beauty that would cause even the world to tremble.
Should this ever reach you; know it is a letter from my heart,
Passing through the many dances of the glorious stars.
Royal Mail First Class manages to pierce through the dark.
Read it or discard it; my soul shall never be kept afar.
oguh stanley Dec 2016
If I was to read for you, My queen that glow,
A poem of beauty, as only few words could show.
Like Picasso as a writer, let me paint your body,
A whisper of grace and elegance, without noise of gaudy.

You posses a twin of eyes, an immaculate glitter of beauty,
From which life receives its absolute lenity.
To glow in such light of orchestration, Like a crown on the head of time,
Whence bliss takes its origin and befitting prime.

Your alluring smile, a linger of unstinted comfort,
To the stars in tender darkness of the universe, glumming in discomfort.
Each of which humbles at your engrossing presence,
And glows in congruence to the light of your radiance.

Your arms like shields,protective armoury that gets soul lifted,
Touch of your fingers, ten cradle of breath taking sweetness, heavenly gifted.
Each a perfect blend of liniment and mystic power,such,
To impel dead heart to once last beat at thy touch.

your smooth bottled neck, over your soft shoulders,
Holds a face of coherent beauty, eyed in all beholders.
A beauty indescribable by far, as only few words could tell,
How ethereally lovely it can be ; perpetually graced with the touch of angel.

Your walk of indefinable class, a lucid rawness of orchestrated elegance,
So much elegance that the angels gasp in the wake of your presence.
To dance into ecstasy,from which heaven's purity is formed,
In but of your light of all light, they all are conformed.

Those smooth long legs spread like the wings of a flyer,
Inner thighs speak a truth that would mute a liar.
And drip sweet smelling nectar that excites a man's desires,
Like an addictive drug, that makes him only want to get higher.

Beautiful seasoned lips even angels could not grace,
Like two ***** of icing sugar, leaves me breathless each time our lips come in embrace.
And the pressure they do impart,
Have the power to break the devil's heart.

Your two cupped breast,stretch the stitches of your blouse,
As if swollen with milk and honey, my flame only its water could douse.
The most tender of all cleavage,had touched my palms with finesse,
Which contact makes me frozen; a sweet emblem dancing to impress.

If I was to read for you, My queen that glow,
A poem of beauty, as only few words could show.
Like Picasso as a writer, let me paint your body,
A whisper of grace and elegance, without noise of gaudy.
oguh stanley Oct 2015
If my heart were to speak the words I'm about to write,
If my heart were to pour the things its felt,
If my heart were to scream the pain it faces every night,
Emotions would be felt everywhere even the sun could melt.
Silence is a coldness that's felt down the back of our spines,
Its also deaths answer to an oncoming misery.
I live my life feeling love for someone whose always on my mind,
Life is a mystery, it haunts me with my history,
Overwhelming me with a fear of a fake victory.
As my tears drop on the papers I shed my feelings upon,
With bloodshot eyes back against the wall I'm leaning on,
Thoughts lingering, flowing like the rivers bleeding,
Define life for me I need to find a meaning.
Then I remember the glow of your eyes,
Suddenly a new light, and the blueness of the skies,
A new air as I take a new flight, rising from nothing to fly.
Your hearts glow keeping me warm from deaths chill,
I thought I was lost but you've strengthened my will.
Like rising from a new life after being killed,
A blank expression like fear instilled.
As i picture you in my mind, your ocean like eyes and silky hair,
Struck in awe grasping my heart as I'm thinking of you it fills me there.
I can hear the stars speak of a new light, a new plight,
Prayers answered no more lonely nights.
The moon brighter than ever as it beholds your beauty,
Am i dreaming will somebody shoot me?
Celebrities make me joyful but not the way you do,
Like my heart was running on a treadmill a good truth,
And my love for you is true too,
This is my life, and I flew too.
oguh stanley Jan 2015
PATIENCE is one virtue so rare
That is often missing in our daily affair

PATIENCE is a companion of wisdom
He who has it stands among kings in any kingdom
It is an habit that cannot be thrown out of the window
Without it lives you in a place of limbo

PATIENCE is not just how long we wait
But how we behave while we wait
It is a virtue of grace put together to make a pretty face
One year of patience equals ten years of peace

PATIENCE is the key to contentment
That locks every gate of resentment
One ounce of patience is more than pounds of brains
Investing in the bank of patience yield no loss but more gains

PATIENCE makes lighter what impatience may not heal
Driving through a narrow road but on a balance wheel
A heart fuel with patience drives with an unseen speed
It might be a soar fruit but with a sweet seed

PATIENCE is truly a virtue acquire it if you can
It will make you a good father,a better mother and a perfect human
oguh stanley Jan 2015
You're an epitome of beauty,
Embellish with every beauty of heaven.
A radiant star even in the darkest of the night,
So elegant and glamorous.
You're so precious like diamond,
Difficult to get hard to lose.
A flower in the world of thorns,
Irreplaceable and incomparable.
A light in a dark world,
Magnificent in the eyes of men.
You're a unique treasure,
You're priceless.
A voyage of knowledge, With a touch of supernatural brilliance.
A million times an angel,
Blessed with an astonishing smile.
A diva amongst beauty queens,
Created out of the ordinary.
You're a bed of rose,
So rare and so precious.
You're an amazing being to behold,
Engraved with every happiness of heaven.
An exceptional lady,
Created with the priceless gift of womanhood.
You're a symbol of divine happiness,
Crafted with every alloy of perfection.
You're the apple of God's eyes,
And the heartbeat of his heart.
A lady of great attribute,
With a touch of class.
You're a gift for humanity,
With a heart polished with gold.
A dear friend and a sweetheart,
With a touch that never pains.
A lady of Godly character,
Blessed amongst women.
If perfection is what you're searching for? ,
Just remain the same.
For you're a beacon of good morals,
And the dream of every man
oguh stanley Oct 2015
My heart dancing to the silent songs of the night,
A glimmer of heaven to behold in the dark
The divinity of beauty at thou precious sight
A presence a feeling a majesty like a sense of secret ark
How attracted was my heart by your sacred silence,
strength, humility and emanating divinity
Whispers to me about sweet love and romance
An Out flow of emotions recollected in tranquility
Your eyes grace the stars with humility in awe,
a glimmer and sparkle such as never seen before.
Your eyes like diamonds from heaven in the skies that soar,
A majestic magnificence that defies the earth's laws.
the moon in full radiance could prostrate to you,
the sun could sing songs of this glorious truth,
If the heavens would split asunder for losing you,
the melodies on the harps of angels will forever play their
Beauty in perfection in idea sense of humanity
That transcend grace through the path that's grazed by your
Humanly made with every alloy of humility
My optimum desire in your beautiful essence
My heart receives this floods of emotion
Walking gracefully across my skin
And beats faster with blissful elation
Touching me deeper and higher within
Its a shame I can only admire from afar
Cos You lie beneath the core of another mans heart
A star in the sky I can only admire
An angel of beauty a wonder of heavenly art
oguh stanley Oct 2016
If I had only known you'd give just one thing to me; torrent of pain,
Not the sweet promises; not the nuptial vows but my tears as rain.
You promised you would cherish me until we both grew old,
The only vows you took to heart was "To Have" and "To Hold".
"To Have" me? I'm a prisoner; an object to your frustration and your hard bent will,
"To Hold" me? Yes; your look of disgust towards me only hold up to quantify the hatred you feel.
The hardest to bear isn't the countless emotional wounds nor the rain of slaps and the shove,
nor your act of tyranny; the sting of your hurting words; like a black velvet glove.
But scars all around my fragile heart as a result of being your bride,
As a result of being a woman; a broken woman who you crush her dignity and pride.
through countless of nights I fed from your fist; drinking from your well of serene madness,
to the morning where your palms does the paintings on my face; wiping away my make-up of happiness.  
If only I could tell my story; if only you could taste the sour taste of bliss in my tears,
If only you would have a view into my secret hell; my world blazing with fears.
If only you would realise am your wife; your better half and not an object of your hate,
Not a black hole to fill your anger but your life parthner and your soulmate.
If only you would come to understand me; if only you would realise this,
My husband; we would not only live in peace but in absolute bliss.
oguh stanley Jan 2015
Mine is not an exception to it fact
Just the mere thought of you ignite my passion for writing
Like the rays of sunlight that light up everything inside of me
I must be honest am not that of a good love poet
But every word I write reflect to what I feel inside of me
I heard love is blind so I write this poem in braille
I may not be able to pen down all what I really feel right now
Cos true love cut so deep and it expression is endless
I always believe real love is pure kind and imperfect
you made it right just the way God intended it to be
Meeting you made me realize all the true hidden nature of love
It realistic taste of pure romance and indescribable emotions
Emotions so deep that not even time itself can explain
I maybe carried away by that same emotion right now
Cos every cell in me breath and sense of you
In fact each time I think of you and I together
I completely lose all my conscious state and awareness of what surround me
I see your face always in a reflection of true and divine beauty
A beauty not only molded with sand but with the touch of angelic brilliance
I see the reflection of God most beautiful angel in your eyes
Each time u brighten my world with your amazing smile
I know this sounds strange but every now and then I pray
that God somehow turns you back into one of my ribs
Just so that I would never have to spend an entire day without you
Feeling you so close to me than I've ever have
My greatest regret is not being able to see you every minute of the day
But I always gain courage not only because I feel your presence always
But that your absence helps to build and modify me
Into that man that won't be driven craze by your presence
I can swear that each time our lips touch in the realm of dream
I taste a hundred years of my life in an undiluted sugary taste of unending happiness
The thought of loving you alone
Takes me through the corridors of heaven
You in my life brings together peace and divine love in a perfect mixture
Together with happiness and unmerited grace
I can go right on and on to write how I feel
But in real sense not even the letters or words can truly express how I feel
Love is the most precious gift ever given to mankind
I feel pleased and blessed to have that gift in the person of you
Not even the whole money in the world can value your love
My priceless jewel of inestimable value
Will give the whole of me for you
Including my money joy and life
Love you with every beat that keeps me alive
oguh stanley Oct 2015
Love is the warm ocean breeze, playfully pushing hair across your face
And familiarizing itself with each individual strand.
It encompasses you in an inviting embrace:
The matching puzzle pieces to the empty spaces in your hand.
It is the rising of the morning sun after the darkest of nights.
Awaiting the warmth it brings; watching intently as it grows.
The sun committed arson, and set blaze to the sky.
A beautiful array of painted colors portrayed perfectly in ones soul.
It is the adventurous journey, not the destination.
With love, life ceases to be inert upon a realization.
You are no longer stuck standing still at a station.
It was just the beginning to an unforgettable vacation.
A fantasy to many who desire a blissful dream,
A poison that flows through the blood like streams.
A ball and chain weighing down the soul; everything's heavy,
A burden on the chest when the new morning is ready.
A heart of two sides; yet it's still only the veil of love,
A foundation that contains both deceit and trust.
Why does it sometimes end in a fountain of blood,
maybe love is sometimes confused with the shadow of lust.
A broken heart is a disaster of epic pain and hurt,
there are limited words to describe a shattered world.
A suffocating soul subjugated to the torments heart ache,
would we listen if we could hear everything our hearts say?

— The End —