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  May 2022 Victoria Jennings
Luna Wrenn
you’ve stolen so much of my soul,
i’m still trying to remember who i was
I like to believe in a astrology
And no not the daily horoscopes
But our signs and their effects

You were a cancer,
And in a way a cancer on my soul

Your emotions always drowned all of mine

You could never quite make up your mind about us

One day you wanted me to be your wife

And another day a stranger

In the end one of those happened

You're just a memory
Imprinted on my soul

Good for me or not.
You broke my heart so many ways

More than than I thought possible

And yet with each shattering I would still tell you how I loved you

And I don't know what's more pathetic

The way I let you break me so often

Or the fact that when I said I would always love you I meant it.
hey you
we haven't really talked
in a while
which is funny because
i've memorized every inch of your profile
the softness of your deep eyes
that you hate so much
that i sometimes hate too
lately i just feel so far away from you
pull and tug
tug and pull
why won't you just let me
make your heart full?

on and off as we are, you're the only one i'll ever want. stupid loyal for you bby.
For someone who has been my muse for years and years

You've made so many of my own words leave a bitter taste on my tongue.
You were the first person to tell me they loved me

And the first person to make feel worthless.
I woke up dreaming of you, as I've done a million times the last 14 years. I had given you another chance in my dreams, a chance to love me, and as always, you leave me. Even in my dreams my heart breaks. I don't know why I still dream about you or even think of you. Firsts mean a lot I guess. I have someone who loves me so unconditionally, in the way that I loved you. I remember that love, so deep I'd do anything just to keep you. I often wonder how you're doing now, if you've finally settled, and if you've found a love that makes you as crazy as I was for you. Passion really hypnotized me, I needed you endlessly and now I know I was filling myself with you to block out all the bad stuff that had happened. Even though that pain still exists from what others have done I've finally balanced out. But sometimes I still think about you, about the way it felt when you touched me. That was always the most exciting part. I'm going to sleep again soon, as one does, and I'm just hoping as pleasant as it is to see your face, that I don't dream of you.
Always and forever was short lived.
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