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conscious mind


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soulsurvivor aka
Write of Passage aka
Invisible inc
Catherine Jarvis
As foretold or so they tell
the stars imploded and then they fell,
I dwell in the hope that they will reappear
before December or early next year.

It rained today
or perhaps I cried.
 Feb 22 Nylee
 Feb 22 Nylee
I didn't whisper your name,  
but they heard it in my silence.  
I didn't paint your face,  
but they saw it in my dreams.  
Love, like the moonlight,  
cannot be hidden in the dark.  

- faiza
 Feb 22 Nylee
 Feb 22 Nylee
His colloquy, vintage, rich and bold
Unveiling nuances, young and old
Subtleties dance, like fireflies at night
Whispered innuendos, a gentle, sweet delight

His flavor, a lingering caress
Savoring bliss, in each
tender address
In this sensory waltz, entwined
A delicate balance of taste and design

Where words become wine,
and wine becomes art
Relentless aftertaste, a deliberate
imprint on the heart
 Feb 22 Nylee
Mike Hauser
If it were up to me
I’d do things differently
For war there’d be no need
We’d all live in peace

We’d learned to love our neighbors
Do each other favors
All change our behavior
Not a one would be a hater

If it were up to me
There’d be no disease
No catastrophes
The air we breath would be clean

We’d go out of our way
To try and make each other‘s day
Give away more than we take
Love each other for heavens sake

If it were up to me
We would all be free
Fill each other’s needs
If it were all up to me
 Feb 22 Nylee
Mark Bell
You’ve twisted
My mind
To a point
That I’m blind
In playing
Your role.
Im battered
And torn
Wishing you
We’re never born,
The love of my life
A nasty witch
Can’t wait to
Bury her in a ditch.
If a heart broke in the forest...
... would you hear a sound?

Where's the sound
of a heart breaking?
Is it a mighy noise?
What kind of music does it play?
The lullaby destroys!

Where's the crash of a soul cracking?
Is it in the rushing wind?
Is it in leather'n flapping wings
As all of Hell decends?

Where's a bass cocophany
In the wrist that bleeds?
What sort of soil accepts and grows
The poison crimson seeds?

Where's the green stick fracture?
Where's the ruptured spleen?
Where's the cancer in the brain?
Where is the pain unseen?
the Foe Forest
And what if the
Entire moon should crack?
And all the high stars fell?
There's an end... and you decend...

... into the pits of HELL.

SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage aka
Invisible inc
 Feb 22 Nylee
The walls breathe in, exhale.
He is afraid. The air is thick with it,
coiling like smoke from a dying fire.
A battlefield of splintered desks,
shoes scraping linoleum—
a boy thrashing against himself,
limbs loose, a puppet whose strings
have snapped.

I lie here staring at the bluest of skies,
a lie in itself, because the sky is nothing,
just a ceiling of quiet indifference.
The weight of voices settles on my chest,
mocking relentless, pressing, pressing—
a hive swarming beneath my ribs.

His mother weeps into cupped hands,
his father stares into the nowhere beyond
the drywall, jaw clenched,
as if holding his teeth in place
will keep the world from crumbling.
Every mistake, a fault line.
Every silence, an aftershock.

The bees fall, their golden dust wasted.
He kicks and kicks, a metronome of rage.
The desks collapse like ribs cracking,
his voice—feral, raw—
rakes against the air.

I want you to know, my friends,
you’re the reason I’m not running away.
But the words fall dead in my mouth,
drowned beneath the hum of fluorescence,
the sterile hands of pity reaching, reaching,
but never grasping.

The hive bleeds.
The world stares back, unmoved.
He is sorry, but there is no language for it,
only the heavy sound of breath,
a body too small for such a war.
Good morning beautiful poets, wishing you a lovely weekend ❣️ managed to write about yesterday's incident. If you don't work with severely disabled people it's hard to imagine a violent tantrum like the one I witnessed yesterday and had to calm the boy down, it will remain imprinted in my brain so sad to see a teenager going through this now we're suspecting schizophrenia as well I feel so helpless. But somehow it brought us workers all the more united very glad to be working with this team.
Winter season,
grey colorless skies
audible in the distance.
Empty feeling in crowded house.
Long, chilly nights, dead water streaming.
Veins with cold blood, stuck.
Passion in black clothes, not breathing.

The year is moving, Spring in birth canal.
Waiting to be born.
I think of you, lying beside you .
I dream of movements of bold trees.
It excites me.
I know it’s wrong but in my mind it’s full blown spring.
A white cloud is coming to me.
Like a bride in cotton candy.
Thinking of you, no more winter skies.

I close my eyes.
In my mind there you are.
There is an explosion of fire in the sky.
Summer in your eyes,
reflecting colors of a sky, burning.
I’m drifting.
It’s summer in my head and my mind is singing.

With passing time,
new days
new seasons
new loves
New memories.
Time, essential to it all.

Time, day, night, new month, new season.
New year.
You are  the sum of time.
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