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 Sep 2014 Nikita Austin
Face the
Before it's too
Face your
Only you can
****** it.
Face it,
Don't ever run.
It will keep chasing you forever
Unless you **** it.
(I reposted this cause i think it deserves the recognition and message that i want to bring out)
So do repost or like if you have the time, or you find this relevant:)
 Sep 2014 Nikita Austin
 Sep 2014 Nikita Austin
I feel so lost and I have misplaced a part of me
Looking for answers in the rubble of emotional debris

How do you rebuild hard earned confidence
Smashed and swept, leaving no remnants

How do you stand on battered knees
And put on an expression that shows no crease

How do you recover something you barely just found
Something that exists neither above or below ground

Try not to limp because the world doesn't really want to know
If you braved through where thistles and thorns grow

They don't really care; In fact they might grow tired
Of the same dirge I insist on having repeated

I'm feeling the repercussions and myself I do blame
For expecting of you nothing less of the same

Only thing I can do is what I do best
Is to revel in overwhelming grief and fallen crest

Be annoyingly frail and exceedingly feeble
Soon may regret because some may deem it intolerable

Get up and chin up or I'll have more to lose
Still retaining the gift of breath I so choose

Pleading into thin air to quell the pain
As I try to piece myself all over again

— The End —