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Jan 2015 · 1.0k
The Trembling
Nicole M Grubbs Jan 2015
Your body is the temple I worship at,
your soul is the river in which I bathe, uncovering of your flowering mind of wondering that delicately hide away. Glistening in it's cave,
your eyes are the windows
that open for me.
Teleporting on a fresh flowing breeze,
one minute I'm earthly plane incarnate and in the next,
out of body celestial sea.
Sep 2014 · 309
Nicole M Grubbs Sep 2014
I believe I will love you until my body turns to dust. Promise to meet me on the other side, even though its just as difficult to try to meet you in real life. Maybe then when my energy is free to roam in the source of love I believe is my home, it'll be easier this way to find you and realize what we have always known.
Jul 2014 · 613
Nicole M Grubbs Jul 2014
The memory clouds my thoughts
into a forsaken hidden forest
of forbidden feature.
One of delicate depth
that gives the soul to nature.
Treacherous walls made of vines
and dead wings of things,
guarded by spirits,
the ethereal beings.
Nicole M Grubbs Apr 2013
he plays the melodies that sound so soothingly sweet to my ears,
but distant like a star i look for on the evenings the night skies are clear.
lullabies, cosmic surprise, these chills i get when i hear him bare his soul
in tunes that resonate through out the city
like stories of notes that must be told
Nicole M Grubbs Apr 2013
the inner child cannot die as long as with like minded eyes who sit in disguise in dreams they lie as you wake from the sleepy tide morning dew arisen to be true to the person you always knew was the same one as you.
Mar 2013 · 425
the lone sum
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
and the sum of it all was i was alone, a lone sum.

i was alone and i wasn't going home because i didn't have one

and i was alone because you left me this way, a lone sum.
Mar 2013 · 388
into the wild
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
so you know how i told you about that cabin i want to escape to, way deep in the woods? i hope you'll join me. be free. with me. be free. with me. and let my love be your heart's key.
Mar 2013 · 794
serendipity catch me
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
looked all my life and found only heartache, the moment i stop looking i find sucha cosmic beautiful entity. synchronistic destiny?
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
like the sun needs the sky to set and rise
and how the moon needs the stars to not feel so lonely so way up high
and like the sand who meltingly molds and falls for the tide,
wistfully kisses her shoreline, tracing grains gracefully every time he arrives.
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
Well what can i say. its just another day after another day after another day. patience my child patience. each morning i rise i must remind myself of this. Waiting for the earth and myself to transcend from the cocoon, warm winds and the sun to crisp my skin. Meditating in the forest ritualitis ways. Matter a fact, needing to be laying with you in a big green field for a few days, watch the world melt a little. Your vibe is so beautiful. I promise always always to be true. Could never do no wrong to those baby blues. I guess what I’m trying to say is a mess from the start but as long as I can manage to speak clearly these thoughts. I open my eyes inside of my dream and there you are just as beautiful as can be. I whisper to your soul, “Can I keep you? Can I keep you?” In due time my baby in due time, when the sun sets in the forest and we soon discover what love is on this dense dead leaved, pine needled floor that decays as we dance right through the next perception of the door. I whisper “My darling I need your taste. Craving galore. So can I keep you please? Just once more?”
Mar 2013 · 431
Fractalizations Part 2
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
Moon light seduced me out of the corner of my eye;
Left all the memories I needed kept inside.
I focused. Time was of the essence with these celestial things.
Looking like a God in the sky compared to these startled young beings.
Mar 2013 · 737
Fractalizations Part 1
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
Sunlight dripping like dew in the evening's sunset new as the rays sliver down silverly over every cloud.
My gaze caught the sky as it often does, a flashback surprise, a mandala echoing all of the things I love.
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
you were always with me so now i know you are always with me.
i love you.
Mar 2013 · 736
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
Just like the songs in my head,
my mind is always stuck on you.
In the morning's misty dew and the whole starry night through,
just like these songs in my head,
my brain chemicals constantly spark with the memory of you.

Like déjà vu and the dreams I'm yet to have,
a sense of always knowing and the chills that trickle down my spine,
right before my eyes, are the places I find, my mind is always going,
which were once in disguise, these seductive reflections flowing now become aligned.
Mar 2013 · 307
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
I guess its really no surprise other people notice how magic you are, but I just can’t help but want to be the only one who gets to be under that magnetic spell you cast.
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2013
and that is You. the first time I ever really laid on eyes on you was when i saw you playing music on stage. you looked so beautiful playing, with your eyes closed, cradling your guitar while it gently wept. you create sounds and flow and loveliness every day of your life and i would be the most blessed mortal on planet earth in the presence of an angel if I could wake up every day to the sound of you playing your guitar in the next room.
Feb 2013 · 389
Paths will cross.
Nicole M Grubbs Feb 2013
Want you to connect to me like a road map to the sea.
Feb 2013 · 289
Come June.
Nicole M Grubbs Feb 2013
I'll protect you from all the things I've seen. Dance in the dirt yet no need to remain clean. I'll scare the evil spirits away that hide in the cracks of your mind, lay in a big green field for days yet no need to realize time.
Nicole M Grubbs Feb 2013
I swear it did that night. When I woke up in the middle of the night after we had fallen asleep the first time, I was so thankful the sun was not awake yet too and I felt time had ceased for us and as I searched for your warmth that was still right next to me, our naked bodies laying in the sea of my blankets spilled together and you so softly woke up too and all at once, I took you in again.
Jan 2013 · 370
First & Last cup
Nicole M Grubbs Jan 2013
I need you to be my morning, afternoon & evening reality
Just like my early rise coffee
I need to start my days with you
I need you that necessarily & sweetened slightly
Licking my lips of your cream
Take you down willfully with five more shots of you in between
Come afternoon, I’ll sip on you during lunch
Sting the tip of my tongue
Your steam which adds to my fiend
Dark & pleasurely
Because you don’t forget a burn like that easily
No matter how good it feels to squirm & scream
And you are just like I dreamed
When in the evening I’m finally downing my last gulp of you
I hold you in tightly to ready you for tomorrow morning’s brew
Dec 2012 · 537
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2012
You left the city for a week and this is where I found you. In the petals of my mouth. You pollinate my tongue with your sweetness and my nectar over flows only for you. Help me grow. Even though I know, you must fly back home. The Sun is not enough.
Oct 2012 · 334
Big and Sleepless
Nicole M Grubbs Oct 2012
I will love the city that loves you that loves the city that loves you that I love
Oct 2012 · 318
Nicole M Grubbs Oct 2012
you are my sky, a mirror to i look into you.
Sep 2012 · 524
A Soul Realization
Nicole M Grubbs Sep 2012
I saw your soul on stage that night.
It swam in the sound waves
& whispered,
“Come closer.”
So I did.
I saw your soul again in my room that night.
It slid off your tongue
& whispered,
“Come closer.”
So I did.
Sep 2012 · 613
Night/Day Dreams
Nicole M Grubbs Sep 2012
When I dream, I dream of you.
And when I dream of you it's in colors that don't exist.
Mind twirlin, boggling away.
It's in my sleepyhead, in my bed where I wish to stay
and perhaps find a name for these colors I cannot recite
and dream of you for always just like day turns into night.
Still I awake from a fuzzy view and find the pillow I'm holding isn't you.
Salted drops form in envelopes of my eyes that are slitted open when I think of how my dreams lie.
And the letter I cry to you is carefully folded inside.
Ink made of tear drops and moon beams and rainbows that leave me starry eyed.
Aug 2012 · 2.2k
Soul Spark
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
The night I met my Soul spark, O he was sucha cosmic twin flame to see. Stared into sky eyes that left me not knowing what to do. Words are found speechless and my breath I tried to catch as my Soul spark laid flickering by candle light is where we first met. Time stopped around us as we glowed in our own flame's light and gave me a new found meaning to love at it's very first sight. His skin draped over beautifully to the light body inside and I traced my fingertips over him to feel that his felt just like mine. We danced our first waltz, something of our very own flow and had me levitating towards the ceiling like a light-diamond rainbow. Waited so long to hold my Soul spark that now it feels like a dream. Our moment came and went so quickly like a shooting star you almost didn't see.
Aug 2012 · 405
Ramble On IV
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Shall I see you again?
Want to hold your organs again, intact, in the most beautiful vessel they chose to harbor them.
Aug 2012 · 1.4k
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
What if our hands did attach?
Like you said when your hand was in mine.
"If we squeeze hard enough maybe we'll become attached
and when I get on the plane we'll say,
'We're attached, see. You can't separate us."
What if our hands did attach?
At the moment you laced my fingers, as if that was that.
Aug 2012 · 594
A Gentle Dissolve
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Dreamy tune, thoughts of you.
Corporation of Thievery had my heart beating
as if you had stepped back into the room.
Aug 2012 · 312
For the Moment
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Moment, why do you not let me live you for always?
"That is not the way of things."
Why is this?
"Because if moments are to always stay how can you appreciate an admire without a leaving?"
Aug 2012 · 354
Ramble On III
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
I need to tell because if I don't this thinking cap will surely fly off..
Paper with lines, you're the only soul that knows.
As if Nature already knows all my secrets.
& it does.
Aug 2012 · 315
Nothing but.
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Lie and and and...
Be of Truth.
Because that's where your very nature lives.
And when you acknowledge a non-truth appreciate that knowing and move on -
The fact that you realize is already a step towards Truth.
..And that is all there ever was.
Aug 2012 · 896
Electric Forest and you.
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Dance to me.
Not for me, but for yourself.
Euphoric undertones sweep over your brow.
And this moment very, Infinite.
This is what you have been waiting for.
You have Arrived.
Aug 2012 · 327
Ramble On II
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Paint me as you see me.
Because on the canvas, you also capture yourself.
Aug 2012 · 396
Ramble On I
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Warm chime sing beat
Love me tender to my feet
See the children play in the street
Smile & laugh cuz so were we
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
The saddest song I ever did hear made the tune resound as it shed a tear.
"Why are you so sad?" I asked the song.
And she sings to me her reply so soft and she sings to me so sweet,
But still sounds so sadly, I now could hear a rain shower the green beneath my bare feet.
"I had a love once and I first saw him by the sea and he sang the most beautiful song that matched the same one as me. But the tide came in and swept him away and my love was hidden where underwater I could not stay." I felt her pain as this siren song sang to me, sullen melody to meet my own lost love in this lullaby's dreams as the saddest song I ever heard continued to weep.
Nicole M Grubbs May 2012
I Used to be an artist,
a painter that could only portray beauty.
I hung my paintings from the walls of my dreams,
for it was the only place I could find inspiration.
Canvases covered in the finest of oils,
depicted scenes of love at its best.
I once created a man and a woman,
overlooking the ocean from the top of a cliff.
From there they could see the rest of their lives,
and every wave outward was promising.
But in the way of their future,
was a wall of brown, jagged rock.
These waves that held their goals and ambitions,
were reaching their peaks and crashing upon the wall.
Although the risk was evident,
the man held the woman by the waist,
as she was around his neck.
I was enfatuated with my own creation.
Lost in the skin where my colorful thoughts lay.
When I broke free of the lucidity of my dream,
my attention was brought to the floor.
Here laid scattered sketches of the false beauty.
I reached down for one that caught my eye,
but was immediatly induced with fear.
The sketch was in black and white,
and it appeared to duplicate my painting.
It was of a man and a woman,
the same as the oil on the canvas.
But the woman had fallen off the cliff,
with what seemed to be a hole where her heart should be.
And the man was walking in the opposite,
with a still beating heart in his back pocket.
The paper slipped from my lifeless grip as I stood from my seat,
only to realize I had been sitting in blood.
I fled towards the door in search of light.
Little did I know that it was nowhere in sight.
The door flung ajar and my senses captured the salty sea breeze,
and my eyes were transfixed on the ocean.
*This was the first and last poem written to me by the love of my life, even after we broke up and made amend after amend after amend. He has a new life again in Florida now. I wish he didn't forget me. I wish he would come home. I love you Mathew.
Mar 2012 · 741
The Story of I
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2012
She always sighed looked to the clouds and said,
"I can no longer pretend. Cuz its times like these that drive me to envy the dead."
A little lighter but still in remorse, she continued,
"And I don't mean to pry but those hues in your face, the colors of your eyes.
Well I wanted to take them and mix em with my every day visions.
Cuz its one shade I never want to forget and cease to exist silly revisions."
She always continued.
" & In the late years mist and molding leaves melting back to the earth again.
It reminded us of a simpler time we'd said.
The kind when we were able to feel alive even if we were still stuck in the womb of the town from where we came
and faulty attempts to look a little less dead."
Her eyes laughed. "Atleast on the inside anyway. I saw it in a few passing glimpses before."
But silly girls always question: "Shall I wonder to ever view those soul windows once more?"
A tattered chapter. A rememberance of melancholic place.
A word never spoke too soon so it has no mouth to try and escape.
A heart to sew on her sleeve but no instead to rip the seam apart,
string it along telephone wires signaling the urgent call
while all the neighbors nostrals flare in disgust at what some gossiped as only an electrical fire after all.
And laying in gently crippled memories of all the moments you clench your jaw and grit your teeth
and hold your breath, whether its out of anger and an upset or a loves ***** pleasure in bed.
Timeless is of the essence and I lived in the moment now.
Where tick tocks pay no wake to my sleepyhead
and my earthbound vessel can finally seek rest once the sunset decides to ***** something sweet all over the sky.
"And there." She pointed to the moon, smiling shyly, slitting from the up above beyond and wide.
"Thats where I find the colors. The ones lost from your eyes.
That crafted, ensnared and mystified all who became into existence; past, present and future combined."
And with that she disinegrated, disappeared into the space above.
A myth. A legend. It has been done.
Never to return again and visit the earthly plane she so dearly loved.
Jan 2012 · 462
Seperate Ways
Nicole M Grubbs Jan 2012
And if you could've only took to me just right
we could've lived happily,
melting into One,
for the rest of our whole life.
Jan 2012 · 384
Need A Fix
Nicole M Grubbs Jan 2012
If you woulda asked me back then if I thought we would last forever
I would have said, "Without a doubt."
But I guess it's just human nature now
Cuz ever since you left me up high
I haven't been able to come down
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
I am the vehicle. You are the tree.
Drove right into your roots, acquired some dents in me.
Never considered the collision. So inebriated was my vision.
Dec 2011 · 576
See ya on the flip side
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
I took the paints of my fractured pallet and spread them.
I splattered & mixed & even invented some shades no one had seen yet.
I made the sunrise the ocean
and turned the sun into the moon.
I even took the stars from the sky
and made them think they were fireflies too.
I took the West and flipped it East.
I took away the hunger of the Dead Sea and gave it some fish to feast.
I took the North and made it South.
& soon they all became one.
This all was a plan.
Yes, I knew what I had done;
For after the surroundings shifted,
there you were standing before me under a moon that thought it was the sun.
(As the stars danced around us in the day at night
& the fireflies fluttered in the space above us
looking for the light of one another to guide
and hold so tight.)
Dec 2011 · 718
Legit Obit
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
Scatter me away just like dust in the wind.
Make my body apart of the Earth again.
So I can see clearly all I have loved so dear
& be with you always, all over, everywhere.
Dec 2011 · 610
Dream Vomit
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
And so like cosmic dust we both disintegrated and flew away.
Far above the stars, clouds & sea to escape the worn out people
& the ugly faces they make at you & me.
We traveled together, off on our own,
inside these beautifully twisted minds that give growth to our Souls.
Lost in the sparkles of eyes and lost among the billions of stars in the sky.
A dream that came to be almost too true.
I awoke.
In a beaten down, roach infested motel room.
I had realized my mistake and the misfortune of knowing
that something as simple as a hazy-eyed dream
is enough to make your world shake.
The mind wanders in the cracks of infested moments of Love, Lust & Loss.
Feeding off the memories, even the ones you thought you forgot.
I laid there alone in my head.
Alone in this bed.
3:49am does nothing for a too sober insomniac just awakening from the most sweetest dream.
Darkness sets & waits in every corner.
It keeps me company and I think, "Why didn't you come sooner?"
Because darkness is always the same.
Even the Earth can't compete; for come Autumn time it's surroundings start to change.
So I like it this way and darkness I became.
Until I close my eyes
& wait for the chemicals to set in
& the hope for that movie in my brain to press start and change my view of this place
and fade away all that makes me insane
as I travel to the space where cosmic dust you & I became.
Dec 2011 · 840
Settle the Score
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
I've never been in love before
So if you please, I'd like to settle the score
O the material things of course you can have them back
They are of no use to me now
As all I have left of you is a book bound with some beautiful words and paper inside
And my insides
Well they tell almost the same drunken romantic story, just like how Bukowski planned it
And we both liked it that way
But you sir
It's time to settle the score
Can I get back the constant beat of racing hearts? And that walk through the woods?
You led me and I followed you through and through
Into the dark I will always follow you
Never mind that, time to settle the score
So in turn with these debts of karmic lives past and present
You have some things I gave away that I wasn't quite ready to lose yet
A thousand stares in to your eyes when you bid me all those goodbyes
And the millions of tears ****** back but ended up finding their way out the pockets of the holes to my Soul
And they would not subside, they will not subside
To settle the score even deeper let's talk about flesh
O this is a sore subject for most, and I haven't even gotten to the good parts yet
As skin and bones and meat and muscles and things and your hand slid to that small of my back
Well they all seemed to melt into each other, like the language of love learned fluently, as if we became attached
And your mouth would part open just a bit as you took your other hand and drowned me and I washed you in
And you knew the way and I could feel it too
And never not once had to tell you how to touch
It was like our bodies were crafted for each other, just as such
And all the time in the world didn't seem enough and I was always the last one to fall asleep
And sometimes during the night I would awake and look and you were still there by my side
And you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen with these swollen eyes
Not moon in the night nor sun in the day could compare to that sleepyhead and his face
And the mornings when we would rise together at the same time and give praise to the long gone night
In thanks of another new day to begin with you
I guess I can't settle the score
Never have never will
I love you so much
Come back to me
Come Home
Dec 2011 · 591
Can you feel it?
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
If you could only feel my love, feel it in the air
If you could only take my love and make me feel like yours is there
If you could only feel my love, it's the kind that grows with old age
If you could only feel my love, maybe you would have stayed
If you could only feel my love, it takes silence into sound
It's enough to make the earth tilt and shake up the ground
If you could only see my love dripping out my every pore
Seeping into the Ocean, swimming for your shore
A drifting little boat lost out at Sea,
Searching for your lighthouse, the shining one that guides me
If you could only feel my love maybe things would change
And this girl left abandoned so beautifully wouldn't feel like a rainbow in the rain
If you could only feel my love, a hurricane with its force
And take the look in my eyes so seriously maybe we could change our course
Enough to move mountains and take the moon from the sky
But my love only created this ripple affect and here I am left alone wondering why
Dec 2011 · 2.9k
Eye Spy
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
Black holes,
where the windows to her Soul,
used to be.
10 Word Poem
Dec 2011 · 2.0k
Fridge Magnets
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
The sidewalks then blend
When each thought of you begin
10 Word Poem
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