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I think to be thoughtful
I speak to be heard
I write to decipher
The truth in my words.

I smiled to ensnare you
I laughed to secure
You slipped through the trap
That I built to procure

I kissed to consume you
I hugged to enfold
My arms close on nothing
You're no where to hold

I writhed to entrance you
I clutched you to keep*
Now the place where I hold you
Resides in my dreams.

I write so you'll read this
My hand pens the truth
All that I've written,
I've written for you.
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Thanks for the large onslaught of views and comments- I'm so grateful for the community here. You've all been so supportful since the day I started writing on this site.

Please follow me on my blog page for extra work and things I don't post on Hello Poetry

Thank you <3
 Dec 2014 Nick Hoggatt
Kate Irons
you ask me what's wrong
as if you weren't aware that
the scars on my body
were because of you
I'm slipping, sinking.
"I'd be better without her. "
What was I thinking?
Sorry for all the poems! I'm new and trying to find what works for me!

— The End —