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We pay to life
We pay to die
We even pay to ask why

We pay for good quality
and for quantity
We pay for feeling
and for dreaming

We pay for caring
for simply daring
We pay for a good placing
in the racing

There are some things you don't have to pay for
But I don't recommend looking for them at the store
Things like love and breathing
Things like leaving meaning

Give kindness without asking any in return
In return you won't burn
A human weakness money
Makes them think funny

They **** each other for the gold
Leaving only a horrid story told
Say something and you are sold
Replace their humanity with a chunk of gold
an arrogance
lied in
depths of
fishermen as
rine in
shone was
rival law
that quest
always superior
in vapor
and those
inevitable waves
in time
what lore
dithered our
fortune together
with heterodox
A lore of nations
This night betrays me
Slumber beckons and calls
But nethertheless
My eyes don’t fall to the tune of the night
Soon dawns chorus will hail a new day
And I will fall into a new tune
Wearily awakening to a new day
Shadows bless the night
As we huddle tighter
Sharing a sacred journey
Adversity piles upon us at times
But our human nature screams
Survival at all costs
If I reached out my hand
Would you accept
If I humbled myself at your feet
Would you stay
Or would you run
Afraid and confused of your own reflection
Cotton candy
As sweet as spice
Exquisitely the spider weaves her
Majestic web
As we weave our stories with the threads of time illuminated in the heavens for those who have gone before us
Be it a simple question of time
Of misunderstandings
Or lost promises
We will return
In circles we spiral upwards
Holding onto the very thread that bore our bodies from dust and turned them into the stars I see within your eyes
You are my muse
You are all and everything
Without means words don’t flow
Feelings stay intombed
And my body will return to dust before it betrays you
Some poems are just woven into the fabric of who we are
It’s a crisp October morning and it is perfect.
My son is nearby digging in the earth for bugs and searching for his new friend Bob the lizard.
I can hear my Boykin spaniel yelping and chasing squirrels in the woods. I am sweeping newly fallen leaves off my front porch and just enjoying all the sounds. The wind is slightly blowing and the sun is warming the dew on the grass. It is the kind of morning where everything seems wonderful even if for just this moment. I am going to fix me a cup of coffee and sit on the swing and enjoy it for just a moment more....❤️
Hello HP been missing you all
Where are you Devi ?

Up in the Kailasha
in the arms of Mahadeva
snowclad silent in meditation
while down below in their settlement
humans in the belief you've come down
adorn you with flowers with their hands
and with those same hands **** own blood
rob own kin debauch mothers and sisters
crowd your place of worship with no piety
but for selfies with your image on the background
for Devi unbeknownst to even you
you're no more the Shakti
the prowess against the Evil
but a commerce, a commodity
in the hands of men of 21st century
who know to worship only money.
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