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There comes a point
Where the flurries and buzzing in your brain
Hollers and lingers
Worry worry worry
Obsess obsess
Do this do that
He she they might say
Think blink disappear.

And in your insides
And in the premise of what you have to give
You have to just say
******* **** IT.

And just do whatever the hell you want.
Just always be kind
And ever graceful.
I want you for an eternity; I have faith in you when no one else really does.
It’s because people don’t know you like I do.
You have revealed about yourself in front of me
I know that even if at times when you fall short, I will be there to help you out.
I do not fear the struggles of life. Whatever it takes, we are going to face the ordeals of life together.
Lightening flashing around her
Bringing shadows to life
Thunder echoing in the air
A telling of her strife
Rain pelting the earth
Along with her tears
She does not sway
Despite her fears

She stands as strong
As the mighty oak
Even when her heart
Feels forlorn and broke
When her soul
Is as black as night
Lightening flashes again
Bringing it back to life

Her mouth cannot form words
she wishes to be spoke
Hands unable to grasp
Tied so in trepidations rope
Thunder claps once more
Giving her freedom
More than before

The storm has enraptured
Her very essence
It has gifted her
Pure omnipresence
Lead her not into temptation
For she now holds the key
To your heaven or damnation
Into the storm is whispered "victory"....

And a huge thank you to Thomas Esparza for the help!!
 Sep 2016 Neha shimoga
Everything is leaving.
Water evaporates.
Currents race away.

The leaves part ways
with the trees that sway.
Flowers lose their petals
then loose themselves.

Bees take off for the hive.
Butterflies take off for the sky
then die.

Particles pass away
separated from what
they once were.

The seasons leave
and when the new year
gets here
the old one disappears.

Hair, skin, and teeth
Wrinkle, fall out, or just
become dust.

Even those you love
family, friends
pets, and partners
exit this stage.
Till, it is your turn
to find your place
and fade away.
 Sep 2016 Neha shimoga
The old tree wears new leaves.
Green things gleaming and moving
dancing like a grass skirt
with the warm whims
of these soft summer winds.
Last night

Last night wasn’t like any other night
I was like a tower of strength
I took hold of the rein and
mastered a very difficult task

I sigh as I watch you snore
I took a sip of red wine
felt very satisfy,
While, the lion slept
the pleasure was all mine
And then it was like you died
Along with lemon
And the white rice
We chomped on bit by bit
I thought of you twice tonight
And saw you in the floor boards
Of the dance floor
Where you dropped your hat
On purpose
And I thought
I wanted
And wondered
What if I sought a resolution
But I listened to a song
That gives me sadness and peace

All at once
And didn't utter a sound.

It's okay
It didn't work out
But I wonder
Will we ever meet again
On accident
I'll be kind
You will say hello
Our hearts will drop
I'll forever remember
How I imagined us dancing
To and from
To and from
And me away
Cuz I flew the coop

Just like we all predicted.
you cannot unwalk the bridge you have crossed
you cannot unknow the fresh taste of enlightenment
once you have breathed it in
there is no way back
to an illusory net of safety
take courage
spread your wings
and fly

i post many of my poems over my photography
~ to see the photo and poem combo go to!there-is-no-way-back/c186k/57c1d991da6989613dd3f4f3
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