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 Sep 2018 Nancy E Tracy
Quench the thirst
that’s been long endured.

A dryness that spanned
too many moons.

Forget not the song
of the morning bird.

Now rests from its flight,
and it sings and croons.

gonna board a train heading anywhere
where its going to i really just dont care
i just need a break to get away from you
learn to love again with somebody new

leave the past behind now that you have gone
time for me to leave so i can just move on
in some other place ive never been before
meet some other girl to love again once more

some where i dont know to wipe my memory
erase the love we shared how it used to be
help me to forget all the things we had
before it all went wrong started turning bad

start again once more with somebody new
give her all the love that i gave to you
in some other place ive never been before
with somebody new learn to love once more

forget about the love that we used to share
wipe you from memory. your no longer there
in some other place make a brand new start
take away the pain mend my broken heart

gonna board a train heading anywhere
where its going to i really just dont care
i just need a get away from you
learn to love again with somebody new
Poetry is
The dance that words make
Without the need
For music.

Cold night by the swamp,
faint moon hides troubled whirlpools
wind roars...reeds bend low...

not far from swamp glow
owl struts on branch, and hoots on,
dogs howl.......wings flap close

hot fear flickers, this
september's dark friday night,
shadow's drenched with sweat


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    September 7, 2018
First Friday,  September 7, 2018
Normal childhood    

As I receive more rejections
Of my nostalgic poetry
I must apologize
I wasn't molested, neglected
Or abused in any way
Well maybe I got spanked a time or two
And sent to my room a few
Yes I had my own room
We went on great family vacations
My brother and I were taught right from wrong
Family went to church some
Mostly Presbyterian or Lutheran or such
It was just important to listen

Copyright 2016
Richard L Ratliff
Bunny ears

Bunny ears, bunny ear
Down the rabbit hole
How can I tie my shoe
If I can't remember the line
Over under a round an back
I'm just different but it works
Maybe because I'm left handed
Don't know but I'm doing fine
Just a little different, unique  

Flip, flop, tie a knot
Doesn't matter
I've got slip ons

Copyright 2016
Richard L Ratliff
From my book "Animal Crackers" available at
Father's Right Arm    

I've been a right arm seat belt
A set of training wheels
A floaty
A catchers mitt    
A steering wheel
A teacher, a scolder, a hugger
I am a father

Copyright 2018
Richard L Ratliff
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