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Apr 2015 · 2.1k
The Ugly You've Caused
mxxnlight Apr 2015
You drained the life from my eyes and took the skips from my heartbeat when you left. You packed my smile, my laugh, my creativity and my optimism in your bags along with all of our ugly memories and you left me with nothing but tears and an endless ache in my chest that I can never seem to mend. You left me to replay every memory of us that made me fall in love with you and now I don't even have the ability to think straight- all I seem to think is how I still love you and how you'll never love me back.
mxxnlight Apr 2015
Boiling Point
When he's throwing things across the
room at me. When I can hear his footsteps
booming down the hall after me yelling
for me to stop all the way to the
front door. When he finally catches up
to me and yells at me about how running
away won't fix a **** thing, but
bolting is all I know so I keep running
until all I can't hear him any more. Until
all that surrounds me is the noise of
cars passing me as I escape from
both of us.

Room Temperature**
When he finds me sitting on a park
bench by the water clutching my
sweater closer to me, shivering in the
bitter wind because I ran out without my
coat again. When he sits next to me and
we sit in silence for what feels like hours.
When he finally speaks and apologizes for
everything, even though we both know
it was my fault. When he pulls me into
his arms and I don't feel the urge to
run away any more. I know the
feeling won't last so I sink into him
and try to let go for as long as I can.
Apr 2015 · 593
mxxnlight Apr 2015
You wake up and roll over to the empty space beside you on your bed where he used to lay.

He's immediately on your mind.

You look out the window; it's raining again.
It feels like its been gloomy since he left; like even the sky misses the way he used to light up your eyes.
And when he left, the sun decided to go too; so now you mourn with the sky. You watch with envy as the rain pours from the clouds, wishing you could let go that easily.

Soon it's dark and all you've done is wish he was here with you.
You lay down, leaving an empty space reserved for where he would lay and think tomorrow is a another day.

You've been saying this to yourself for a week now.
Apr 2015 · 686
mxxnlight Apr 2015
You're constantly making room for people in your life who just pick up and leave with more than they came with
Hide your heart
Stitch it back on your sleeve
Hold the door open for those that want to go and then
baracade the door
before you have nothing left
Apr 2015 · 434
mxxnlight Apr 2015
Is the calm after the storm really calm when you cant seem to gather all the pieces of your heart up off the floor of his chest?
Don't be fooled girl
He's just another tornado that will **** up your heart just to throw it back to the ground leaving you in ruins.
Apr 2015 · 480
mxxnlight Apr 2015
Stuck between wanting to disappear
and forget that you could ever mean more to me than just a friend
or sticking around to dig a little deeper into your mind,
but when I stay it feels like I'm digging my own grave.

My body's become a graveyard for all the places your hands have touched more than my skin.
You don't visit anymore and the flowers you left have wilted away along with the memories on your fingers laced with mine.
My hands have been shaking since you left, wishing you would come back one last time.
I hope you choke on your goodbyes while you kiss the tombstone that reads "cause of death: your hands" and its not the only one.

She's a graveyard and each cause of death is a different way you used to make her feel alive.
Apr 2015 · 584
mxxnlight Apr 2015
He tells me he thinks I should quit smoking.
I tell him I can't because I'm just too dead inside and he agrees,
but doesnt ask for any details
and I don't give them.

I don't tell him that he makes me feel alive,
and if I could make him feel the same, this would be my last cigarrette,

but I know I'll light another one in a couple minutes.
Apr 2015 · 311
mxxnlight Apr 2015
Falling in love
is one of the most frustrating terms I have ever heard that ‘they’ came up with
and yet it’s the only thing that I can say
to explain this black hole residing in the pit of my stomach.
And all I want to do is put up a for sale sign where my heart is,
but I don’t think anyone else would want to feel this way.
I know I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.
My walls have come tumbling down one too many times;
my bricks made out of lies rather than love.
They are no longer painted blue, because like Holly,
I recognize that those are the days when you feel a bit bloated
and there is no ice cream left in the freezer.
Instead the walls of my heart are painted a mean red;
so dark it would take a few tries to get it off.

The floor is falling through and the roof is caving in.
let’s face it, my heart is in desperate need for a fix,
if only I could figure out where to start.
This heart is starting to look less like a home and more like an *****,
because my idea of a home left when you packed up your things
and decided you didn’t want to stay.
mxxnlight Apr 2015
I don’t know who “they” are, but I know that they are the ones who called it ‘falling in love’
I think I understand that term more than ever and yet it still confuses the hell out of me.
There is really next to no sense of love at all – and that might just be the scariest part.
Because when you’re falling in love, all you really feel is the falling part.
Love is unrecognizable really.
I mean does anyone really know what love is when they start to fall for someone else?
That gut wrenching undesirable feeling in the pit of your stomach;
otherwise known as the butterflies,
when really, it feels more like your body has turned into a target zone
for every known natural disaster
and all the ones in between that humans have yet to put a name to.
And maybe falling in love is actually a name for yet another natural disaster
worse than anything we could ever imagine.
Falling is all I can seem to be feeling now a days
and you leaving has a hell of a lot to do with that – not that I blame you for making me feel this way
it’s just that I don’t think this feeling will ever go away.
This black hole has moved from my chest to the bottomless pit of my stomach
and the only explanation I can come up with is that my heart has gotten too heavy.
It tried to warn my head to give up now,
even though Heart is fully aware that Brain could never do this.

I’ve come to know this black hole very well; as it is defined as what truly scares me the most
and when I’m falling in love, I’m only ever just falling.
Apr 2015 · 281
mxxnlight Apr 2015
The butterflies in my stomach are trapped
and the only way to get them out is for you to cut me open
and tell me all the things that always struggle to make their way out of your lips
Apr 2015 · 961
mxxnlight Apr 2015
What does it mean to be truly happy anyway?
I think it’s in those moments;
the unforgettable kind.
Like when he leans in for a kiss, his eyes flutter close
and your heart manages to flutter open for those few seconds
when your lips brush his,
But it’s so much more than that; at least this time it is.
You know for sure, and you think he knows this too; until he tells you he’s leaving
and the kiss meant nothing.
Suddenly this isn’t a truly happy moment, it’s only a reminder of a sad moment;
the unforgettable kind.
And you swear to god you won’t let your heart flutter open like that again,
but in all honesty you know your hearts wings will be stuck open for a while longer.
begging to have another truly happy moment; the unforgettable kind.
Apr 2015 · 351
mxxnlight Apr 2015
Have you ever just spent almost an entire day just thinking about what it must be like for people who have brains that function properly? Like what is it like to be able to make a decision without feeling anxious or to talk to someone without feeling like you're going to faint? I don't get how people can do things like that. Or how not to think about the things or people that make you anxious. How not to feel like you're going to throw up when you hear his name or like your air has been stolen from you when you see him. Or how thinking one thing can ruin your entire day but you think it 24/7 so you're pretty much ****** for having a good day- and sure, some days are better than others but there's still that nagging in the back of your head that you aren't good enough and maybe you won't ever be and you just have to accept that. And the pit in your stomach just keeps getting bigger and bigger and you wish it would swallow you whole.
Or even when you just wake up and for a minute you're confused and you aren't really thinking about anything, like you're given a blank slate, and then all of a sudden it's like reality pulls up out of nowhere and hits you like a train of never ending darkness and just general emptiness; and you feel like you're going to feel like this forever and there's no point in doing anything because it's all meaningless anyway. You feel like you'll be alone forever and no one will ever take the time to get to know who you are on the inside because you're not worth anyone's time- and yet, you don't blame them for feeling that way because you don't want to know yourself either. It's like you're trapped inside a body that looks like you but you never really feel like who you're looking at in the mirror is who you really are or who you want to be, and I think that's one of the most painful feelings, not being able to look at yourself without feeling disappointed.
Then after a while, it's not even a wave of disappointment anymore, it's like the wave came out of nowhere and got in your eyes and in your lungs and you aren't choking on despair anymore, you're drowning in it; and there isn't anything you can do to save yourself so you just drift to rock bottom. You get tangled amongst the seaweed where everything that could/would have been lurks and it won't let you go so you don't either and you stay and watch as each "what if" scenario floods your thoughts. It's almost like no matter how much you try to pick yourself up, you always feel let down in the end and eventually you stop trying because there's no point in trying to fight off how you're feeling anymore. You just run out of energy and become so exhausted that you can't even function properly anymore- and you just become so empty and heartless because you just stop caring about everything. Then you end up pushing everyone away out of fear and wonder why no one is there; until you realize it's been you all along. You just can't stand having anyone too close to you and yet that's all you've ever wanted, but you've convinced yourself that you'll just get hurt and no one is worth the risk. And yet you still try to convince yourself that maybe there is someone out there for you but the days drag on and it's turns into years passing you by and soon it will be 2030 and you'll still be saying the exact same thing because you haven't changed and your hopes are still as high as ever. You'll sit alone in your apartment and stare out the window watching the sun set and think maybe the sky is your one true love. Maybe you won't feel so alone. After all look how much it has to offer. But it's not the same. It's never the same. He's still on your mind and you're still alone. You'll always be alone. And as you sit in your apartment trying desperately to fall in love with the sky and pretending your feelings are reciprocated- you suddenly start to hear something that at first sounds like soft music but when you actually tune into the static, you realize it's the sounds of his voice echoing off the walls all around you- and it envelopes you, drags you away from your perfect sky and surfaces you in your memories. And even though your head is above the water, what you're watching: all the things you said to each other; all the laughs; all the kisses; all the smiles- are enough to make you feel like you're struggling to breathe all over again.

— The End —