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Jan 2020 · 84
Muiruri gathairu Jan 2020
Inseparable lovebirds since college
The road to your heart and you gave him passage
Finishing each other's sentences, you were speaking the same language
Remember breakfast in bed, toast and sausage
He was shy but finally built up the courage
And that's how you ended up in marriage
Didn't think you'd end up a hostage
Used to be love but now it feels like carnage
Your heart is bleeding, emotional damage
popping pills twice the dosage
And now your thinking of packing your luggage
Coz on your face you have a new bandage
You are strong without him ,you can manage
This is my message
Jan 2020 · 107
Muiruri gathairu Jan 2020
I am the debris floating on calm waters wondering when the next storm will be
And when it does finally come like am sure it will
will I end up at the bottom of the sea
Or maybe a new day I will get to see
Nov 2019 · 86
Muiruri gathairu Nov 2019
the softest touch could make me shutter
melt away, a hot knife through butter
i have this moments where i cant move or think
i have this moments where am on the brink
the weakest waves could bring me down like am a sand castle
my feet feel weak, wobbly, trying to walk on land when you're a sea turtle
my greatest fear happens to every living being
id still die even if i was a king
Oct 2019 · 96
The media(21st century)
Muiruri gathairu Oct 2019
I get bored and I check my feed
There's a first world crisis somewhere in leeds
New bullet train in Tokyo, they praise it for it's speed
Some CEO resigns , he couldn't control his greed
Meanwhile more civilians continue to bleed
But in the polls the president is still gaining a lead
Money laundered with the help of some Swedes
Two weeks later they've all been freed
Stoners calling for the legalization of ****
Thunberg about to get a nobel for all her deeds
She says we should all plant more seeds
For now that's all the update I need
I go back to playing assasins creed
Oct 2019 · 283
All I know
Muiruri gathairu Oct 2019
All I know about love is the pain
All I know about the blue sky is that sometimes clouds gather and it rains
I'd hoped that you'd cover me from the rain like an umbrella
The grief blows like a strong wind and am just an umbrella
In loneliness, I drink much wine and think of how it's made from grapes off the vine
Same slow song on repeat, music is beautiful and I think of how it's surely proof of the divine
I was only artificial, a porchlight compared to the sun
If forgetting is a line , can i go before my turn
Sep 2019 · 90
the remedy
Muiruri gathairu Sep 2019
my happiest days came not when i had no troubles but when i chose to ignore them
my fears ended not when i ignored them but when i chose to face them
Aug 2019 · 84
human, all too human
Muiruri gathairu Aug 2019
thought i didn't have it in me to feel again but to my surprise love is swimming to the top
you give me love and affection, filling my heart with hope
so much joy, i hardly notice that times are tough
its windy, its rainy, its cold but with you its warm enough
i pray the day never comes when i have to give you up
so that i see your face every morning i get up
Aug 2019 · 806
the usual
Muiruri gathairu Aug 2019
you taught me how to laugh away my tears
gave me the courage to face my fears
when there was sorrow on my mind ,you could tell
picked me up when i fell
when i fell for you, i was glad to learn that it was mutual
you ask me what i want, a kiss on my forehead, the usual
Aug 2019 · 254
joy; the lack of it.
Muiruri gathairu Aug 2019
my heart is drowning in sorrow
no confidence to face tomorrow
the blue skies are gone
am aching down to the bone
on my mind thoughts of pain, rain
it's all in vain
hidden beneath this smile is gloom
withering flowers, no chance of a bloom
a rainbow in black and white
a bird with broken wings, no flight
May 2019 · 100
Untitled 02
Muiruri gathairu May 2019
Despite my efforts there's nothing I can do about it really
One day my soul is destined to roam freely
Am sorry I couldn't love you dearly
Its a shame that only in the end can one see clearly
My one chance at love and I blew it
May 2019 · 243
Muiruri gathairu May 2019
Nigwedete na ngoro yakwa yothe
All am saying is that I love her with all my heart
Wi muthaka ta muraika
All am saying is that she's as beautiful as an angel
Mar 2019 · 79
How deep is your love?
Muiruri gathairu Mar 2019
Wish I met you back when i had a brick game
But it's okay we chill for hours on the playstation
With you when there's sun and when the rain soaks the ground
Pray i never make you soak the pillow with your tears, I'll always be around
I love when we lie on the bed just talking, its ikea
I'll never miss a chance to show you that i care
When I approached you for the first time you ignored me, that's okay, stranger danger
But am glad I persisted, I lingered longer
I can hear the clock chime
I want to hold you for all of time
Mar 2019 · 119
Lucy, am home
Muiruri gathairu Mar 2019
Don't be cruel, give me a kiss  
Can't you see am dying for it
Mar 2019 · 204
Muiruri gathairu Mar 2019
I often wonder if you'll remember me
When am no longer in sight
When am far away from this happy place
Will you remember the uncorruptible joy
And the tears
If you ever do remember the tears, don't forget the shoulder you leaned on
Oh the things I did just to see that smile back on your face
Remember the blinding colors , as vibrant as youth
And the music, heavenly
If ever there was proof of God it would be music
Jan 2019 · 194
Star gazing
Muiruri gathairu Jan 2019
I now know for sure what I once suspected
Looking into a lover's eyes is like staring up at the constellations
Its like star gazing
Dec 2018 · 236
Sunday pain
Muiruri gathairu Dec 2018
We've been here a thousand times
You down on your knees, begging me to take you back
And me kissing you saying its all okay
But last time was the last time
Wounds don't heal if you keep touching them
Nov 2018 · 122
Face off
Muiruri gathairu Nov 2018
Let me see your face, your real face
Forget this lifeless mask the world has you wearing
I feel like it would be beautiful
Nov 2018 · 155
The void
Muiruri gathairu Nov 2018
I tried everything
Do this, don't do this
But they lied
None of it works
I might be gone a while but am always back soon enough
Maybe this is how god felt when none other existed but he
As lonely as a stone lying on the ocean bed
Watching everything drift by calmly
Nothing can fill the void
Nov 2018 · 180
Muiruri gathairu Nov 2018
Ooh ,, start off with the surprise flowers then we roll out the wine n light dinner,,, all candle lit off course,,, then a little bit later I kiss your neck,,, you know the rest,,, you're the best
Nov 2018 · 322
Muiruri gathairu Nov 2018
To you I am like a clear pane on a window
Always close but ever overlooked
Your sight set on more precious yet distant things
When I think about it its true what I once read
The one you love and the one who loves you are never the same person
Aug 2018 · 168
Muiruri gathairu Aug 2018
I've had enough loss for a lifetime. When the pain is too much,i medicate,then I meditate. When my mind is clear ,I reminisce. I want to see you again, and so I make up heaven. I know eternal bliss is just a fairytale but I have hope. shine on my face once more yellow sun. Light the skies on yet another day of my boring little existence. For they only exist in my memory. If I die they die.
Aug 2018 · 117
Only love can save me now
Muiruri gathairu Aug 2018
Far away from hope
God can't help you now
Like been buried deep under the cold unforgiving snow
Limbs numb, life seeping out

Far away from hope
Embracing despair like you would a lover
Like floating in space
Lungs heaving, life seeping out

Far away from hope
Finally accepting your fate
Like falling off a high place
Last prayers, life seeping out

Far away from hope
Fading into the unknown
Like drowning in a vast ocean
Never fight it, life seeping out

Far away from hope
A shadowy figure hovers
Like bleeding out on the floor
A glorious scene, life seeping out

— The End —