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  Mar 2015 muhammad usman
cody dale
as the light fills in
the dark empty spots
i finally realize
what love is
are love
i lift higher
my soul feeling like
the first time i met you
when my heart began to beat
when i felt like a kid
my life rushes before my eyes
stupid things i did

like letting you go                                                               ­                                Filipendulous
in precipices of nefarous claws.
There you were in my nebulous fogs.
With emerald eyes,
burnished in heaven
 buttressing this heart.
for love
is the conflagration
that consumes me now.
Could this be fools' love?
Is this true love?
collab with jamie king he did the second paragraph i the first
the topic is love in death
  Mar 2015 muhammad usman
Ethan Titus
The rich man seeks to increase his fortune,
The poor man treasures all of his wealth.
The rich man measures value in dollars,
The poor man measures value in love and friendship.
The rich man whom acts as the poor man is wise,
The poor man whom acts as the rich man is a fool.
  Mar 2015 muhammad usman
John MacAyeal
Don't go to school for knowledge, Granddad said
Good teachers
Leave you wondering
The best
Keep you mystified
  Mar 2015 muhammad usman
Francie Lynch
Next to a mother,
Near a father,
Beside and behind
Every parent,
There's a teacher.
They all try to look the same
all try to give themselves a name
pick on the boy who is all alone
just because his identity is his own
what has this world come to?
all this wrong that people do
just for the image they want to show
down the evil path they seem to go

The next person you go to hurt
or try to make feel like dirt
instead of trying to look cool
feel for the guy you make look a fool

A cool identity isn’t a need
let those you bully be freed
Your identity should be your own
A better person you will be known.

We need to start to do something about this it is a major problem that i deal with and most kids deal with
If you need help with it find an adult or go to a friend you really trust and talk to them. written by Andrew Goldberg and Natasa
  Mar 2015 muhammad usman
Maddie Sink
1st grade
She was called short
2nd grade
She was called stupid
3rd grade
She was called clumsy
4th grade
She was called fat
5th grade
She was called ugly
6th grade
She was called flat-chested
7th grade
She was called acne face
8th grade
She was called fake
9th grade
She was called a ***
10th grade
She took her life.
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