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you could have tried to keep us together
tried to keep us together for the sake of happiness
tried to keep us together even if our love was wrong
you could have taken all the chances i gave you
taken all the chances i gave you after you left me repeatedly
taken all the chances i gave you even after you hurt me
you could have left me with better memories
left me with better memories that don't cause tears
left me with better memories that even you would want to look back on
you could have realized how much i loved you
realized how much i loved you and all of your flaws
realized how much i loved you even though you didn't love me back
you could have given me a warning
given me a warning of how much pain you were going to cause
given me a warning even if this was how you wanted to leave

you could have at least said goodbye*

but you didn't
and you could have.
What happened to hello poetry
This one goes to the real poets.
To those who decide to carry the world on their own.
To those who carry hell in their head and a graveyard of lost love stories in their heart
To the brave ones who fight darkness with darkness.
Tho those who the only answer they seek from a god is if there's eternal life for their loved ones, because they know there's no space for them in that paradise.
To those who know that suffering is the most humane feeling there is.
To those who loved and hated the wrong person.
This goes to Lorca isolated, hiding in a closet in New York.
To Unamuno craving to believe in something impossible.
To Quiroga drinking the poison of his sorrow at a hospital.
To Becquer and Espino for dying so young.
To Neruda for cheating on himself so many times.
To Machados' lost spirit.
To Marquez and his melancholic ******.
To Poe's tormented soul and his raven.
To Shakespeare and his Juliet.
To Dante and his story of woe.
This goes for the only beings who can live with a hell inside of them, and still manage to write heavenly things for those in need to read.
This one's for us.
The water was on
and the power was out,
a tree lost its life.
Is this what must come about
to force one to write?
I heard the tree caught fire,
illuminating gazes
as darkness fell,
a natural spell-
a ritual-
a well to fall into
that no one wants to leave...
In candlelight it's easier to see,
to breathe.

The stars, the moon.
Look at the moon,
it will guide you.
She speaks,
she weeps,
she comforts like a pale breast.
Lovers often say
I would die for you
What I would rather do
To tell you the truth
Is to live
For you instead
Not just a memory
Lodged inside your head
While it is I'm here
I'd give you my all
Often I would call
On the phone we'd talk
All about the things
Ahead of us in life
Which I couldn't do
If for you I died
 Nov 2015 Nekia-Brooke Thomson
Never figuring out what God wants from me
My father getting too angry and beating me
My mother will never say the words 'Your'e beautiful'
My child will be nothing at all like me
If I end up with a husband, he will turn out like my dad
Not getting into veterinary school
Not surviving past 18
Thanks for the idea! #myfears
 Nov 2015 Nekia-Brooke Thomson
"I love you" while you see them hungry should mean you feed them
"I love you" while you see them thirsty should mean you give them to drink
"I love you" when you see them naked should mean you clothe them
"I love you" in the midst of all this need does not say,
"I love your hunger, I love your thirst, I love your nakedness."
It says, "I love you, and because of that,
"I hate your hunger, I hate your thirst, I hate your nakedness."
Love does not mean leaving as be, love does not mean acceptance.
Love means feeding and giving water and clothing, love means fixing.
Love means love of you and thusly a non-acceptance of their faults,
a non-acceptance of their problems and their needs,
Love means that you must give, to sit down like the Good Samaritan
and feed the destitute,
give water to the man lying down,
and offer him your coat.
Love does not mean that you wander by the homeless man and think
to yourself how wonderful that person must be and how much you appreciate
their existence and how we cannot judge others
and how each soul is worth something.
In fact, each of these truths are true but if you believe them, you have
to take them to action. If you think someone is wonderful, I do not believe you
until you help them and show them your love.
If you do not try to help and fix someone,
I do not believe you appreciate their existence.
If you do not try and help the homeless man,
I do not believe you think he is not at fault for his homelessness.
If you do not take the lost and poor and needy under your arms,
I do not believe that you believe every soul is worth something.
Love means action. Love is not words.
If love is only words, it means nothing. It is not love.
However, we know what love is- we were given a definition.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
Love does not leave hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, and lonely.
Love is not acceptance. Love fixes. Love does.
by the way this is not a drag to anyone! I'm just addressing a really common misconception of our generation that love has to accept all faults and that unconditional love means it's never angry or dissatisfied. People our age seem to think love means you love all facets of someone. That's not true. You have to love that person for themselves and not their facets and because of that hate certain things that happen to them or certain things they do. As I've said in the poem, love doesn't mean you just let someone be whoever and whatever they want because you think they're perfect. That's irrational and in fact infatuation. True, mutual love, knows someone isn't perfect and loves them more truly because of that- but their imperfections shouldn't just be accepted- the two of you should continually work to make each other better. You shouldn't love someone FOR their flaws but love them enough to try and help each other grow past those flaws.
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