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valentine Aug 21
the wild turkeys cross at
the same point of the road
no matter how many times
they lose a member to tire
hood or window
they cross and bleed
flapping and loving

the field is miles long
moments created and
dissolved in the fog
tuffs of feathers marred
and sacrificed

meet me once more
in the ditch of the road
and we'll kiss atop foul
valentine Aug 21
The earth calls me home
Whistles my name and claps toward the woods
Her tangy voice rings through the elms
Suppertime is swiftly approaching

The world hides me under her tongue
Raining down saliva that burns the eyes
Deeper into her cave I dive
Acid bubbling down my throat

Nature collects my body
Another trophy placed in her burrow
Burying us all further and further
She sings hymns every day above our graves

And though we pretend this song isn't sweet
Humming along
We all fall into the pit

— The End —