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Morgan Rain Jan 2014
I was lost
Fading in each step I took
Away from you.
Morgan Rain Jan 2014
Clear kisses
Won't leave marks they can see
But ones you can feel.
Will you take my love
And carry on without me?
Will you return to me
And caress me so softly
I question if this is
All happening?
I won't cover you in
Pinks and reds to claim.
I will kiss you clear
And wait to see what happens.
Morgan Rain Dec 2013
It it so funny
When you are in love you feel
so alone sometimes.
Morgan Rain Oct 2016
im un aware sometimes
of just how ****** i can be

not realizing i push you away
arms working as seperate beings from my body
i dont mean to i swear

comments on my physical apperance
my body
my clothes
arm my defenses to have nothing
but a "*******" attitude
when i never should be like that
with you

it makes me quick

"i dont care"
"what do you want me to do?"

because id do it all
id do anything for you

we've been home hours
in company of silence and small talk

when i should have apologized long ago
but this all just sounds like excuses

for me being the way i am

explanation for how sorry i am
so i ****
Morgan Rain Sep 2016
Always been openly queer

as attention seeking as it seemed for a young girl to be.

are you supposed to know what kind of body
your lovers soul
is reborn in?

limit your search
for your "one"
with modern social constructions
and religious heterosexual binds?

My sexuality
who I love
is who I love...

Whoever they are
whichever body they've found themselves in
this time.
Morgan Rain Jan 2014
First flame of rebellion
Cough of wrong
Tip ashing like laughs coming
The paper peels back
Like stress of mind
With each
P   U   F    F
B    L          O      W

Smoke curls
And fans as beautifully
As the faces around you
Conversating in the cold
Intellect    Intelligence
Swavely sung as we **** on our sticks of
Youth burning brighter
Than the ember incinerating the innards of
Our rolled false freedom
The night grows old
As our fingers feel the
Stinging heat
Of a bud burned out
As exhausted eyes blink
We tap our packs
And tuck them sweetly into pockets
As mothers to children
We leave one another with
An ancient bad taste dry on our tongues
Returning to our traditional lives
To complain the same as always
Until tomorow evening
Morgan Rain Jan 2014
Tobacco taste like
Our first kiss that should not have
Been because we're friends.
Morgan Rain Sep 2016
Life's been at a stand still the last few years.
Growing myself wild within.
Content in the idle, while waiting for inspiration again.
So far my twenties has been not being myself
and watching my hair grow back,
while this writers block became what I am.

Nights, to weeks, to months, to years,
spent at a bar filled with normal oddities you find in such a small town.
Hoping to find some conversation, inspiration, something to
make me feel alive again.

idle                        idle                   idle

another night came
ready to shoot some pool as usual
when a warm feeling ran down my back
and I looked to meet his gaze.

A moment had never felt so long
so short
so right
so perfect,
and all at once the poetry came again.

rose cheeks
a mind always symphonic gone silent
at a loss for words
like the wind had been knocked out of me.
I drop my eyes
pupils now wide at my shoes
as I finally process a thought,

For days, to weeks, to months,
I reprocessed that eye contact to "****"
trying not to let my reddening complexion
my dilated eyes
give my wandering mind away,
as words trickled into a flow of conversation.
Shared thoughts, passion, beauty spouting from his lips
kept pouring
and pouring
until my chest was filled to the brim
I looked at him and thought

" love "
Morgan Rain Feb 2014
The heavy pluck and drop of copper strings overtakes the sea of emerald blades in waves of melody and music crashing on to the shores of my ears.

Why not let the vibrations sweep my mind away and work me towards an ****** of relaxation. Making my toes curl as my worries and stress are gone in a giant release.

I lay now enveloped in a sun warmed flannel letting my fingers dance with the crowds of Daises standing so free.
Morgan Rain Sep 2016
With you
The moon is a saucer of cream
And the sun a ball of honey
All to put in my tea.
The breeze blows
To brush my hair,
Perfume the air,
Push me forward to you.
Is love only for
Because this is so much more.
With you
I am a better me.
Laughing, smiling,
Loving, happy
Loving you is healing me.
In a newer relationship and I've been having the hardest time coming to terms or putting to words how, well, just good it is. It's natural, respectful, he is my best friend, lover, listener, and is calm and open enough to process my past, my present, and give genuine thoughts to help me. It's like looking at the world through rose tinted glasses which is scary and blissful all at once. It's strange after being set and sure you would be alone with momentary people for company, to find "the one". The only one it could ever be. The stars aligned, cosmos waited for the right moment for us to meet and everything seems right now. Even the day to day life stresses feel right and okay because everything I've been waiting for and didn't even know I wanted is sleeping in our bed right behind me. I've felt love, been in love, but this is something entirely different and greater all together. Maybe past lives remeeting in a predestined journey.
Morgan Rain Oct 2016
down arrow
down arrow

letters to words to sentences
making thoughts readable
to my eyes from strangers minds

from my mind
to clicking keys
to lines to paragraphs
to "posted"
to your eyes

Hello Poetry
from hearts
to screens
after scrolling through poems for a half hour or so i realized how beautiful this whole site really is
Morgan Rain Dec 2013
wise words
feel much more like
talking down
than heping
Morgan Rain Dec 2013
Winter winds ******* north
To the east
Out of the city
Into the small
Wooded towns I crawled in
Till taking flight
to see the rest of the world and sky.
Did I miss this?
Morgan Rain Jan 2014
Toes lead us like thread through each others bodies
Filling empty crevices with our own parts.
Lips stich our breaths together through kisses.
Moans pull us tight unable to detach
Because we are now one together.
Morgan Rain Mar 2014
How can it be that when ever I can't see you
I'm stuck so empty. ****, do you even know?
I'm damming up a waterfall but I can feel the pressure building...
and I fight it, I fight it so hard and I don't even know why.
Logs come loose, currents push through, leaking
I pull my head down, using my curls as leverage to keep my face hidden.
Hidden away from these four walls, these four hovering beings.
The only witnesses. Counting my tears, muffling my sobs, but you don't know.
No one really does.
These walls unmoving, silent, still with eggshell paint, cannot comfort me. Cannot hold me. Cannot tell me that I am not a worthless person, that these feelings will fade. These walls cannot take the blade off of my thighs, soak up this crimson shame before it stains the thin gauze that makes up who I am.

A simple stumble of my thoughts can send me tumbling into reality where I sit alone.
trigger warning
Morgan Rain Jan 2014
As my skin leaves yours
Your mind acts as if I disappear
I can’t stop these streams as they pour
“Love” is always the same, leaving me to persevere.
Morgan Rain Dec 2013
Thinking of you is
Pristine gratification
Mental mastrubation
Blues annihilation.
Lost in your azurite iris pools
I'll swim to safety onto your lips,
My island.
Plump and full,
Ignore as I pull
Your curls
Falling from your head to your chin.
The closer I get
The more I win.
A deepened kiss
Tango of tongues
Oh darling,
I can dance with you all night long.
Morgan Rain Mar 2014
As my stomach churns I lunge to the physical comfort of my air mattress.
Breathing out the small relief I feel familiar brimming of salty soon to be sticky drops preparing to take the final leap.
Sorrow racks me as I sob. Temples pierced with sharp tension pulse as I try to keep my episode volumeless. Sighing with trembles I am able to pull my mask back up with my stained, moss hued blanket. I throw a cover over my mind and lock my eyelids quickly, pretending not to see what I am doing to myself.
Morgan Rain Jan 2014
The wandering boy in the snow
Growing between two worlds
Having a moment of his own.

As the new saplings come
Popping through the snow
He dreams of being on his own.

The fallen oak, uprooted with might
Still lays rotting and leaving its mark
The boy looks on thinking on his own.

This lost place, forgotten in time
Holds all the same pieces of new and old
The boy takes it in all on his own.

Forest of forever filled with ancient and young
Changes each winter like time to come.
The boy leaves here all on his own.
Morgan Rain Jan 2014
Kiss Lost Lips
Feel Curls
Tongues AWAKE Romance
small loving
Friends ignore Affection
Morgan Rain Oct 2016
happiness is sleeping in our bed behind me
caffeine for early hours as i quietly sit
taking in what i never thought ive have

inside im warm
passionately seeped deep
with rich love and emotion
like a kettle left to brew
sweetened like honey
from my teacup heart

terrifyingly happy
reaching this natural state of bliss
companionship predestined
feeling like this
is everything i've been waiting for
happily terrified
that this love
pure and unfiltered
could be gone as easily as it came

*** left on the counter
momentarily cooling
mistaken as finished
could get poured down the drain


nothing left to fill our cups
tea, thought gone
company will look to go home

While cleaning the table
my cup gets knocked off
hitting the floor

unsure if glue will do
i'll be left to pick up the pieces
trying to fix my teacup heart
a poem about being so happy and in love that i'll loose it someday
Morgan Rain Dec 2013
Night smiling
Sun helping
Push forward honey.
Healing moon
Laughing, Loving
Brush lips
Chins, tongues, mastrubation, curls
Morgan Rain Jan 2014
Sitting alone
In the middle of a crowd
Every expression being shown
Everything being spoke aloud

I’ve never felt so much loneliness
Maybe it’s a sign of the season
Or it’s because of your thoughtlessness
I can’t quite pick a reason.
Morgan Rain Oct 2016
Madagascan Vanilla
seeped in hot water from the new kettle
swirling with honey
staring up at me

steaming asking where my voice has gone

where my apology has gone

its lost among my mind
brewing darker and darker
to bitter to think anymore
lips pursed at re realizations about


no matter how much sugar I pour in

sweet is something I'll ever be.
im sorry i am the way i am
trust me when i say im aware
Morgan Rain Dec 2013
Lust air,
Romance perfume,
Pull gratification.
Mental azurite tango.
Affection untitled falling closer.
Morgan Rain Dec 2013
Lost Darling?
Ignore deepened blues.
Long night thinking
"Oh safety"?
Morgan Rain Dec 2013
in their strings
music and things
i find sanctuary
in their beauty
misunderstood egos
musicians share love
each sound that they make
ready to share
but also eager to listen

as a writer
watching them sets my mind a fire
inspired, infatuated
with people so communally creative
fellow writers '
leave me alone
as we watch each other

— The End —