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Sep 2020 · 399
My Reality Changes.
Morgan Elizabeth Sep 2020
Every time I read your book,
its as if its the first time
like a wife looking over at her husband
after many years of marriage
and her heart skipping a beat
time after time after time

no matter how long it has been
the impact of his love still rings true
his undying commitment to her remains
their story sweeter with each passing year
and deeper than the one before
the power behind the unyielding loyalty
that it takes to make a marriage work
because nothing worth having will come easy
but the fidelity and allegiance all the same
the dedication remains in tact
with an unwavering devotion of love
a dedication to a life lasting bond
and beyond

so is it when I read your Words
your power rings true
your holiness prevails
and never ceases to amaze me
the words jump off the page
into the realm of my own reality
i see you at work beyond the book
beyond the words that come to life
that move me to action
that must be taken
if i sit still, it must not be true
because i would not be concerned
with the death that will surely come
for those that never know You
Jun 2015 · 469
Little Infinities
Morgan Elizabeth Jun 2015
With Heavy Eyes
I write this.

The familiarity of the chapel
comes to me in a wave of emotion.
It's as if a warm blanket has wrapped itself around me.
Clinging to the hope that someday it may be free.
The sun is shining. The birds are singing.
The ocean waves hit. I hear my heart beating.
I feel the warmth from the hug I embraced.
I see the joy on her young, happy face.
I look around at all the things taking place.
A child on their knees. A teacher teaching please.
A question being answered.
I sit at the piano and the memories flood in.
The sun is suddenly dark and hidden.
I am safe. I am comforted.
I am one, but also contorted.

Because I walk behind the building
only to find a cold blanket.
The ice lying in the room
Seems as if a hail storm came through.
I cannot comprehend. I cannot deny hope.
However, I cannot shake the feeling
I'm needing to cope.
Life does not stay in one place forever.
No matter how much we hope, we can't all stay together.
I dwell in my happy place till my one final sigh.
I know that this isn't my one last goodbye.
Breathing in the familiar smell once again,
My home for 13 years will always be my friend.
This little infinity will always live on
in the hearts that it touched as we all move on.
this little infinity is still left to be uncovered
by the little ones hearts who have yet to discover.
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
The Broken Cycle
Morgan Elizabeth Aug 2014
The world we live in from the outside
may seem like a beautiful thing
a perfect sphere
an oasis of life
But in reality
the opinions and thoughts of those
who are lavished in luxury
often trump those
who are controlled by poverty
But when Christians these days
are so blinded by their money
and their fancy cars
and their picture perfect churches
and their American dream of a family
and their playing it safe lives
the forgotten
are behind closed doors
3 million are cutting
depression is trolling
the internet drenched in *******
capturing the hearts and minds
of the children of Light
unrealistic edited images in magazines
are binging and starving our population
to fall into the deadly cycle of eating disorders
while our brother is in church on sunday morning
falling asleep because he is still on his high
from the drugs he put into his body the night before
Our women that we claim to value
are on our street corners with their short skirts
attracting men that scream “I'll respect you!”
when they’ve never been respected themselves
hurt and damaged adults disguised as
Pedophiles walk around
prowling on innocent children who do not know pain
but one day will end up just like their predator
but because that hurt and damaged adult
was sexually abused by His own blood
He has become his own molester

but because no one was listening
no one was watching
and no one offered to pray
the cycle continues day
after day

Because we live in a world where 19 year old virgins
are an incredibly rare species on earth
and premarital *** has become the norm
binge drinking and partying are wildly accepted
And if you aren’t fighting for gay rights
you are considered intolerant
Being in love is merely old fashioned
and teenage motherhood is televised on MTV
looking for love in all the wrong places
no longer makes sense to the average teen
because love is promised in *** drugs and alcohol
and when it is not found suicide takes it all
Where natural disasters are blamed on God above
but success, beauty and a good economy
are all because of Congress or the President
and while our generation is dying
from a thirst that is believed to be unquenchable
Christians quietly sit in the back
mouths sealed with the ultimate and perfect answer
our pastors merely talk the talk
our homes lives do not scream JESUS
our lives when were alone do not reflect
the ONE who saved us
When we see cutting teens, murderers,
adulterers, and atheists
we are quick to turn the other way
cause God forbid we be a part of it
Because of course change will happen
those missionaries can tell them
their church family will correct them
They can read their bible and figure it out
Jesus will find them

Never did it occur to them
that they may be the only Jesus people ever see
and the only Bible people will ever read

but because no one was listening
no one was watching
and no one offered to pray
the cycle continues day
after day

Wake up Christians
We may be the only Jesus
that those hookers ever encounter
the only one who will ever love
that molester
the only Bible those cutting teens ever read
or the only love those neglected children ever see
We may be the only one who offers food
to that homeless man who hasn’t eaten all day
or the only one who ever prayed
with those veterans with PTSD on the street
or the only Christian that atheist considers to believe
the only hug that depressed person received
the only ounce of joy those ***** girls
experienced since that nightmare of a day
The first time that orphan felt hope
or that ******* saw forgiveness
or that murderer believed in new life
We are the source of revival that this nation needs
We are called to go to the ends of the earth
proclaiming this love
this peace
this fulfillment
that the ENTIRE world has been yearning for
and do not even know its missing

So Christians
stand up
don’t back down
step out of your comfort zone
we are called to be his royal priesthood
a chosen generation
one who steps out of the darkness and into the light
world changers
Jesus lovers
the ultimate hipsters
in this world full of sin
We only have one calling in life
and if we do not meet that
we have failed

We will NEVER change the world
by standing still
We will NEVER break the cycle
by playing it safe
and we will NEVER see change
until we become a catalyst

but because someone was listening
and someone was watching
and someone offered to pray
the cycle was broken
and redemption
and new life were given
day after day
after day
Aug 2014 · 510
Morgan Elizabeth Aug 2014
What is love?
perhaps it is the way you remind someone to wear their seatbelt
or the manner in which you address someone you miss
or a small gesture to show them you care
such as delivering flowers
or lunch
or perhaps even
preparing a picnic?

or maybe love is shown in keeping a secret?
in holding a hand
or buying a soda
a hug
a kiss
a tender, understanding touch
a prayer of protection when departure is inevitable

But the perfect love is shown in the true Son of God
who died to save us
on a tree in the shape of a cross
his blood was bled
his tears were shed
His back torn
his heart worn
all for people who did not love him in return
not preventable
never ending

This man died on a tree
Because of this love
that He showed me
I can, in return, love
Jul 2014 · 345
Morgan Elizabeth Jul 2014
Sitting on the plane that day.
I looked out the window, and thought about everything that made me wonder.
I thought about eternity.
And infinity.
I thought about the adventure that lay ahead of my class.
Of the people we would encounter.
The people we were gonna pray with.
The lives we were gonna touch.
All because Jesus first found us.
And at that moment, I turned my head towards my friends across the aisle.
And I gazed out their window as our plane took off.
New York City.
We're on our way.
To the left and the right, the plane swayed.
As it leaned left, I caught a glimpse of all the houses we were leaving behind.
I saw the clouds and the city and the people.
To the right.
I caught a glimpse of the most magnificent sky.
So blue. The sun- so bright and majestic.
And at that very moment in time, I came to the realization that the same God who created this beautiful sun and sky,
the same God who was keeping us up in the air thousands of feet above ground,
the same God who created every aspect of physics and science so that planes could be invented,
was the same God who called us to go to New York.
It was the same God who was going to save us from a derailed subway.
It was the same God who was going to keep us safe at Penn station.
It was the same God who would guide us from apartment to apartment in Brooklyn, witnessing.
It was the same God who was going to lead us to a Korean church to be Jesus to children.
This same God- loved us enough and found us worthy enough to do His work in NYC.
It was at that moment that I knew an adventure was about to begin.
This poem consists of my thoughts on the plane as my senior class and I embarked on our senior class mission trip to NYC- a trip that surely would change all of our lives.

— The End —